Match starts

>Match starts
>Some guy in chat posts "Hey what's up guys!"

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sal failed to collect all 7 chaos emeralds making him tonight's big loser



i love to do shit like this in league, people get all kinds of reactions. sometimes i type one of my friends instagram pretending its mine and people get really mad

>get killed by spy
>write "spy is scout" in chat
>see him getting killed in the killfeed right after

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>presses the push-to-talk button just to laugh at something funny someone said

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>someone in voicechat says "hi"
>a girl with a cute voice replies "hey!"

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>you are the girl

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Sal's punishment is that he has to play Sonic 06 and act like he enjoys it.

>a girl in a voice-chat
>"Hey baby uhuhuhuhuhuh"

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>join a game
>someone says, "hey guys, anyone have a mic?"
>me and my friends pretend we don't have mics so he feels awkward
>make callouts a couple rounds later
heh, hope you learned your lesson kid

>guy push-to-talks everything on his mind during the round
>most of it is him complaining or laughing about random shit
Please don’t tell me you do this.

hey, satan

they both start chatting ingame and you just sit there listening

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>push to talk

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>Match begins
>someone immediately initiates a vote to kick a player
what do you do Zig Forums?

>push to talk
>*lip smack lip smack*

Nothing. I let the chaos ensue.

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I wait to see what happens because I've seen what people votekick for now a days.

>he doesn't disable voice chat
>he still plays multiplayer games in 2020

votekick vote starter
people always go with the counter vote, it's a psychological thing to remain consistent after not having voted for the fiirst one

>guy on my team annoys me
>wait a bit
>start votekick against him
>"hey guys he's afk"
>instant yes votes
>"wtf I'm not!!!"
>"oh I guess he came back"

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>load up fps after rough day
>match start
>teamates immediately tk and votekick while teabagging
>absolutely no reason given
you deserve death

Tell them to stop flirting, that usually gets the woman to feel self concious or question if the other guy is flirting and then you don't have to suffer with having to hear people having a conversation you wanted to be part of. Either they stop or they gang up on you but either way you're going to win or nothing will change.

Heres another good tactic
>Someone is being toxic or you are being toxic yourself
>Someone in mic says they will votekick this person
>Start a votekick yourself to kick a random person of the guy wanting to kick you
This one hasn't failed me yet, you just have to be quick about it and it's hilarious every time.

>team starts losing
>start saying the nword over voice chat, which either makes the team somehow win the match, or gets me kicked.
It works 100% of the time, 60% of the time.

>turn on mic

>turn on mic
>say nothing
>turn off mic

>guy with push to talk can also burp on command
>burps every kill
>I end up dropping to the bottom of the scoreboard because I can't stop losing my shit
I unironically love this shit

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Man, what won't Murr do for a win?

Fuck Q.