What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Absolutely nothing

I've never played a gamecube or this game but let me tell you this. The game and the system fucking sucks.

fpwp. PoR is a insanely flawed game with more cons than pros

The sequel leaving a bad taste in my mouth, but that's no fault of PoR itself, it's the best all-rounder FE

No advertising. If I wasn't lurking FE forums at the time I would have never even known about the game.

US release got difficulty gimped to shit.

>the game fucking sucks
Go home, Ashnard.

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Classic Zig Forums

Im thinking about playing it again, what are the flaws

this game was good though

Why isn’t there an Echoes a remake for the game yet?

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>classic FE units replaced with weapon specific armored or mounted units
>character availability is a bit wonky in the first game and all over the place in the second
>Its kind of easy
>Laguz are only semi-usable because of the transformation system

the sequel is better though.

it was good gaem and comfycube is still my favourite console.
good student times drinking beer, playing 1080 avalanche,nhl 2004 with buddies.

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nothing? I'd expect this type of post to have Awakening which I liked a lot in the OP or something


they'd be better off just re-releasing it at this point, it's not that old in addition to it already having an English translation, plus there are other older FEs that could use a remake way more.

Ike being a massive self insert who is just there to make the player feel cool and tough with a bland/stoic personality that is basically nothing.

>>classic FE units replaced with weapon specific armored or mounted units
That's how cavs were in the snes games. It was the GBA games that replaced the classic units.

>character availability is a bit wonky in the first game and all over the place in the second
Unit availability in PoR is really no different than most FE games.

biorhythm i guess
and never porting it to newer consoles

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>Bexp is too easy to abuse and you get too much of it, even giving you a free way to get perfect level ups even on manic mode (700 for some maps)
>Axes heavily outclass everything due to higher MT and hit rates not being a problem
>Biorythm is a waste of a mechanic
>Forging is too cheap, insane amount of gold you get and doesn't help durability is a worthless mechanic since you can burn right through your weapons
>having the ability to get 255 crit on everything in maniac mode
>removing skills which delete them is retarded and limits customization unlike every other game with skills
>effective weapons are dogshit, like worthless due to 2x.
>earth and dark supports are OP, adding up to a +40 avoid in a game where enemy units have shit stats
>paladins are the most OP they have ever been, are able to wield any two of the four physical weapon types available, canto, and having the best stat caps so anyone not on a horse (mounted) is literal trash besides Stave users and some exceptions
>con is even more terrible because of the new formula and makes mages suck and some units artificially better than others like usual
>skills are imbalanced with many of them being useless or game breaking (wrath + resolve)
>removed secret shops

It's EP phase-fest. PoR just consists of you watching enemy units slowly die into your OP 10 spreadsheet units with no thought/tactics behind it. Rarely anykind of positional power play (only the boat map is good) is required. The same shitty themes that play over and over again, it just spam enemies everywhere with high hp/def and they all have handaxe/javelins, staves, bolting, etc. These fuckers flood the midgame-lategame on mostly empty fields or linear corridors which is simply tedious. Or maybe it's gimmickshit like boulders while you slog though vertical hills, pitfalls at random areas, tons of stupid ass priests you need to kill/shove that take forever or a boring desert, many wwith no anti turtle incentives to speak of

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Battle speed is atrociously slow
FE10 fixed this with "off" (not to be confused with map only) which you sadly had to beat the game to unlock
DS etc versions let you press start to fast forward the entire enemy phase, so going back to FE9 sucks

The god damn fire emblem theme is only played at the end of the game, and it's one of the best versions too:

Everything else was kino though

IS was riding on the GBA wave and tried to appeal to the dumb Western audience and neglected their core audience in Japan. They went to far and even the West abandoned the series. That's why the Marth remakes were so important despite bombing in the West.

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You mean the remakes where the second remake bombed in Japan as well and nearly killed the series?

yeah pretty much this. I know it was made for beginners but once you understand the mechanics it becomes almost unplayable due to how easy it is.

PoR finished 3rd in a Japanese popularity poll back in 2017.

post moar girl Ike

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She looks like she fucks black knights

which game finished first?

And way too slow to the point it becomes a slog

I think I want to fuck Ike

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huh, that's strange.

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my life has never known peace since the day I went from only knowing Brawl Ike's voice to hearing Ike's actual voice in this game

get in line bro

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built for sex

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you mean like this?

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not with you, incel