How do you feel about this franchise Zig Forums?

How do you feel about this franchise Zig Forums?

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I played 1-4 and liked them for what they are.


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Greatest trilogy of all time. Only Silent Hill comes close

Are you fucking retarded or something ?

Kojima will leave behind a good legacy.

One of the greatest epics in gaming history.


>gets tremendously upset over trivial things

Peace Walker is the best in the franchise
MGSV is trash

1-3 are masterpieces, something happened after 3 and the series went to shit

Fun games but some of them have overindulgent plots

The gameplay was great, the story got worse with each subsequent game except for 3 which had the best story in the franchise


>something happened after 3 and the series went to shit

Kojima wanted to stop and they wouldn't let him

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I thought he wanted to stop after the first game

I didn;t have any experience with the Metal Gear series prior to MGS, but when this first started getting teased, I was hyped for a year and half waiting for it. Back then when info came in monthly magazines.

The hype was worth it. I loved MGS. The second game I didn't understand, but later on I did. MGS3 is rank as one of my favorite play experiences of all time.

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The first three are great. The fourth was a sign of things to come for how stupid it was. Come to think of it the writing was on the wall with the second one however it wasn't so poorly done to ruin the game

Mgs2's ending was so unsatisfying and anticlimactic. Mgs3 had a really good story but it didn't clarify anything from 2. MGS2 needed a proper follow-up, unfortunately MGS4 shit the bucket

Never played it. That being said, its shit.

Pretty much all of the games are top notch, often best game of that particular year, only exception is Survive.
1-3 are pretty much undisputed masterpieces, and the later games are still good but just don't quite reach those dizzying heights.

isn’t this what 90% of Zig Forums is like these days

One of the best video game franchises in history for adults.

It's pretty good

hurry up and release MGS2 on PC.
i can't be arsed to find a scart capable tv to use my PS2 nor can i be bothered to buy modern connectors or converters or whatever.
just give me a steam release and i will give you some money. easy.
you'd need to have pressure sensitive stuff as seperate keybinds for keyboard but that should be easy.

It's great and I'm happy it got to end. Too many game series end without completing their stories or trilogies or just remain in some weird limbo of not knowing what anybody is going to do with an IP.

It's a dead franchise now and it's never coming back.

I want an entire series collection on PC or at the very least PS4. I don't want to break out my 360 to replay Snake Eater and I don't know how emulation for it is.

Tried the first one recently and it's shit. You're constantly getting caught by offscreen enemies like it's fucking Hotline Miami 2.
Comparing Silent Hill to hackjima's garbage is an insult to Silent Hill.

imagine being bad at metal gear solid 1, a game for babbies

Needs a collection remade in the fox engine featuring all games and all spin offs but done right (no cards from ac!d but add ac!d games), all VR missions and even ghost Babel. Would sell 10 million copies EZ.

>Comparing Silent Hill to hackjima's garbage is an insult to Silent Hill

I love Silent Hill, but I'm not going to pretend its any more sophisticated than anything written by Kojima. Most Silent Hill games have incredibly simple plots, and only 2 really dived into psychology (but in a babys first freud way)

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Yeah well, konami a shit. Even if they did announce a remaster\PC port, it would be cheap bug ridden trash done for the smallest amount of money possible

Believe me user, you wouldn't want it. Look what happened to the Silent Hill remasters

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The Silent Hill remasters sucked because they were working from incomplete source code. After they lost the original completed source code, there was really nothing they could do to make a decent port. The best course of action at this point would be to remaster 1-3 in the style of RE2 remake in the fox engine.

>remaster 1-3 in the style of RE2 remake in the fox engine

christ that would be awful. I fucking hope no one ever tries.

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