American Gaming

Why haven't they made a single good AAA or AA game in at least half a decade?

Attached: american-flag-etiquette-1558469527.jpg (1200x600, 103.16K)

The same reason nobody has.

Japan puts out bangers every year.

What are some examples?

American corporate culture is absolutely fucked.

Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, DMCV, Monster Hunter World, Nier Automata, Gravity Rush 2, Smash Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Nioh 2, Animal Crossing New Horizons.
Just a few examples of great mainstream japanese games, whereas america just shits out soulless movie games and uglified, dumbed down iterations of older series.

politics being forced into every aspect of life

>Animal Crossing New Horizons

Make that a full decade at the very least.

Fair enough, i'm sure it's not subversive and progressive enough for your refined american tastes.

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New Vegas is better than any JRPG

Animal Crossing is a different type of subversive
The cheery, happy go lucky escapism nu-males eat up
No actual substance, just a facade pretending to be a soulful game

Just barely scraped by.

Made more than any other western country. America is once again the last hope for the west.

I'm sorry there's not enough synagogues and dog murder in it for you.

I only liked Dark Souls 3, DMCV, and Sekiro
Give it 5 years and Japan will be in the same state as America in terms of games.

>dog murder
But chinks love that

You seem to have a specific taste and no other country makes games similar to those. Mortal Shell is the US’ closest example and that’s made by INDIE developers.

>DMCV, Monster Hunter World, Nier Automata, Gravity Rush 2, Smash Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Nioh 2, Animal Crossing New Horizons
all shit

You're right in saying I have a specific taste. My current hopes for the US lie in Indies as you stated and the Euros. We will see how Cyberdork turns out for the Euros.
Gaming is looking pretty grim for me user. I'm forced to play older games because most of the games that appeal to me were made in the past.

isn't outer wilds american?

Absolutely nothing about the japanese industry points to that. The problem with American games is obsession with identity politics and sacrificing gameplay for scripted cinematic moments. Jap games are nothing like that.

Need you be reminded Sony published TLOU2?
I'd like to agree with you but I'm very pessimistic.

Cyberjank only gets worse the more we hear about it. It’s going to sell and make profit but it will be bad

Could be right, Hitman 3 will be great if they improve upon the last two though.

Last good shooter was killzone 3, servers are shutdown and sony has abandoned killzone (shadow fall was not killzone)

All the biggest games in the world right now are made by American devs. Some of the highest rated games this gen have come from American devs.

you know whom.

This, most companies have left the US.

>highest rated
Ahh yes, the baseless opinions of untalented, unqualified retards who failed to become real journalists somehow matters, of course.

Same reason that the American comic book industry is dead and Hollywood is dying: They rolled out the red carpet for the far left.

Highest rated within the gaming community, brainlet.