I strongly believe that the people who think this game's story is great have not consumed any other media besides...

I strongly believe that the people who think this game's story is great have not consumed any other media besides PlayStation exclusives and marvel movies. What do you guys think?

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You're probably right, but we don't need yet another thread to discuss it.

more or less.
I've never seen something so embarrassing as Druckman adoration

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Nah, I've played a lot and liked it. In fact most game stories are actually way more simple than TLOU2's. Perhaps you meant book's which have centuries more to draw from?

>TLOU2 defenders are games """""journalists"""""" and people who don't even own a PS5

w o a h. . . you cracked the case user.....

For your opinion to have any worth, you have to name your favorite game, book, and film.
>but I don't have a favorite b--

The fact that people have to point to narratives in other mediums and can't point to any games that do what this game does says it all really.

>The entire game's narrative and sequences can only happens if all the characters involved have their IQs flat-line.
Honestly, I'm a bit insulted if those working on the game thought this was able to pass through the gaming community.

>A compelling female protagonist that processes her relationship with her father figure after he dies and she goes to seek revenge
Silent Hill 3 (although the revenge is considerably downplayed)
>A protagonist that at first is utterly bloodthirsty for revenge but slowly realises that there's more going on
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
>A game that makes you feel bad after you see the 'other perspective'
>Le cycle of violence, violence in video games is bad
Spec Ops: The Line - much more coherent, no tremendous ludo-narrative dissonance.

I could go on. You don't need to cite other mediums to find countless games that do TLOU2's themes and ideas far better.

>mangling together 4 different games to equal 1
Good effort.

Those examples were never compared against each other before. Why is this an issue now? Just because jouranlists decided to give it a 10/10? Why don't you compare this game to a game without a story like BOTW (or at the very least a bare bones super simplistic story) which got near universal praise?

better revenge plot: assassin's creed 2

better at subverting expectations: MGS 2

better at displaying meaningless violence: Hotline Miami

But they where. Spec ops the line was literally shit on for the very reason of! YOU BAD! YOU DID BAD THING!

I think it’s because it appeals to a more casual audience who might not have that much experience with games in general.

>bring up to someone that TLOU2’s story falls apart because the act of killing someone is shown as something horrible and traumatising in the story but you kill hundreds of people in gameplay and that other games like Drakengard, Metal Gear Solid or Death Stranding have dealt with that same problem in interesting ways
>they told me they’d never heard of any of those games but they’re sure TLOU2 did it much better

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I guess why do games without story get a pass at greatness when games who try are subject to autistic scrutinization? If you don't even try then it's 8/10 at best in my book even if it's a perfect game gameplay wise.

Nah, it’s more group bias than anything. The fags who whined during the leaks that Abby was a tranny inflamed the group who are pro trannies. Defending or attack the story is, in these people’s eyes, is as important as responding on attack of the self. I have a simple way to test if people are attacking and defending out of ego or of mind.

You familiar with the Voodoo Shark? It was the excuse the novel version of one the shitty Jaws sequels, the one with Caine, used to explain how the shark teleported across the ocean to harass the same family. The explanation was it was summoned by a voodoo curse. He never explains how a voodoo curse came to be, so it just raises additional questions.

When people in the first paragraph exist because of ego, you will notice them invoke voodoo sharks all the time. You point out Abby’s physique is completely out of place compared to the realistic bodies of everyone else, except that one Rattler, and they start coming up with voodoo shark defenses. “She had access to a gym, protein, possibly steroids, and wanted revenge”. This is stupid because the issue isn’t “How is Abby body-builder big” but “why”s. Abby wasn’t planning a one on one hand-to-hand fight with Joel, why did she feel she had to be big? If it’s because “big muscles help in the apocalypse” why aren’t any of the other WLF big? Why would the WLF waste extra food only one member when they are rationing? If revenge was so foremost in her mind why did she waste time body building when she could have been leading the search? All these questions should have come up when these people saw people saying Abby was unrealistically big, but because they felt their ego under attack they lashed out with a half backed thought that falls apart under scrutiny.

>Story takes up huge part of the game
It gets criticised
>Story doesn't take up huge part of the game
It doesn't get criticised

What do you expect? People aren't going to prioritise criticising something that makes up a measly 5% or so of a game. They are going to prioritise criticising something that makes up like 50% or something of a game.

it's not that hard to understand, it's like complaining about lack of puzzles in an rpg. If you advertise as story driven than people will criticize the story.

Says it's so bad o one did it before?

BOTW is standing off Zelda's shoulders which had good story in the past. The fact that it didn't have a good story makes it worse for those who were expecting it (like me). Make a Zelda skinned tetris game and you get an 8/10 at best.

It was okay. Nothing I haven’t seen or read before. Ellie’s internal turmoil as she pushes the envelope in seeking vengeance could’ve been better.

I agree.

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Lisa the Painful
Roadside Picnic
TLOU2 is hot garbage

>named game, film, book instead game, book, film

>20 years after part 2
Hopefully they can get it right with Ellie's daughter in part 3.

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Pretty much this.

>I strongly believe that the people who think this game's story is not great have not consumed any other media besides PlayStation exclusives and marvel movies. What do you guys think?


It's the opposite, people lose their shit over Joel's death because they don't read or watch movies, and they never experienced something similar -i.e. a main character killed in an unheroic way.

"He deserved a better death" is one of the stupidest shit I ever read.

The only remotely unique thing this story did was make you the control the "antagonist" for a good portion of the game, but they did it comically badly.

Abby's story is almost entirely removed from the main thread, and it comes at a time where players would naturally be expecting a conclusion to the story. It completely pulls the rug out from under your feet and makes you endure 6 hours of almost unrelated shit right as you were expecting the game to end. It brings the pacing to screeching halt, and fails to get the player emotionally invested as a result. If this stuff was interwoven throughout the game, it would have done wonders for pacing, both keeping the gameplay varied, and also making the two stories feel actually linked.

The theme of empathy is also cookie-cutter as fuck, I don't think having a villain being empathetic or relatable is anything to marvel at. Even John Wick, which journalists scoffed at when reviewing this game, has an empathetic villain. Even the most schlocky capeshit has two-dimensional villains. Basing your entire game around that idea is really laughable.

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I read books and watch a ton of movies and tv shows, I don't consider it great but I don't consider it shit either

The problem is that his whole death reads like it was written by a pre-teen girl who added her personal Mary Sue.
People seem to think Mary Sues are just perfect in every way but they forget a number of key points that defines a Mary Sue, the most important one being that established characters become mentally disabled, drooling retards in the Mary Sue's presence. And you can't argue against it.
>Joel a survivor of 20+ years that knows cunts are after him meets Mary Sue and forgets the zombie apocalypse ever happened and introduces himself last name and all.
>Ellie sees Joel being beaten with a golf club, has her gun drawn and aimed at Mary Sue AND WALKS THROUGH THE FUCKING DOOR so she can be beaten and held down
Textbook definition of a Mary Sue character.

>The only remotely unique thing this story did was make you the control the "antagonist" for a good portion of the game
Yeah... that's incredibly unique...

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Then you're stupid.