Are there any cute girls on Zig Forums looking for a gamer bf? I'm handsome I promise :)

Are there any cute girls on Zig Forums looking for a gamer bf? I'm handsome I promise :)

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If you’re looking for a girlfriend on Zig Forums of all places, you’re too far gone

I found a nice girl a few years ago so I might find another good one :)


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Good luck with that, user

are you a cute girl? :)
thanks fren

he cute


user 4 chan dating site when, I like cute girls too

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Post your gamer dick and I'll decide if you're handsome. Also post your favourite video game.

I just want everyone to know that I am currently taking a fiery shit resulting from eating two tuna and jalapeno toasted sandwiches last night.

yes I'm a cute girl (sneed)

What's the deal with board quality somehow plummeting during europoor hours?

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Does your Butthole burn?

It’s not much better during burger hours

Only if you're a girl
I don't believe you, no girl is based enough to post sneed

board's dogshit in general, and only gets worse.
i still come here, since i'm a retard that can't break this bad habit.

I dont have all day, bruh. Post ya dick. Also favourite video game.

Not posting my dick, unironically. Sonic Generations or SotC

Chris, you gotta stop looking for gfs on the internet

Someone, anyone... Please talk to me

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Any twinks or fembois looking to get anally and orally violated while wearing a dress?

Only if you're a woman with a strapon

Thanks doc

Same, I'm super ugly though

>Any twinks or fembois looking to get anally and orally violated while wearing a dress?

Based, you can tell this guy isn't a faggot, slamming cute twinks is 1000% more straight that sleeping with a fat gamer girl

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I am a cute girl frogposter! Maybe we can go out some time teehee

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Sorry I'm a MAN

Damn right I'm straight

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ITT: fat neckbeard faggots

Why do you force pepes into everything?

No you're not