Now that the dust is settled, which was the best game?

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People who say anything other than San Andreas are lying or delusional. It perfected the open world for it's time, struck a balance between serious and funny tones and had fun missions and a story and characters you actually cared about.

All other GTAs are missing one or more of these points. GTAV is still one of the most technically impressive games ever but the missions and story are soulless.

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GTA V that game was fucking awesome IDC what anyone says.

Story = SA, City = IV, Graphics = V

GTA 3, VC and SA have more soul than the later games. I played 3 for the first time not that long ago so i am not nostaligiafagging. Of the three i enjoyed SA the most.

Vice City. Best driving, fun world, manages to feel like both a little city and a skatepark for cars to cause havoc. Best music, even though it has less variety in genre. Best main character. Cheats were kino.

Pretty much all GTA since III have been great and groundbreaking, and hard to compare since blatant technological advances make every successor 'better' in that sense. For the sake fairness of comparing two decades of games you should leave these technical aspects out of the equation; but that wouldn't do any single one of the games justice, since they're all characterised by revolutionizing the way video games look and function.

This kind of question mostly will just invoke a shit flinging contest about who was 16 at the time of the game's release and thus nostalgia'd the hardest.

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I agree with the 3D era having lots of soul, but user, you're really missing out if you think GTAIV has no soul. Holy shit that game has soul.

I thought Zig Forums loved 4 the most. What happened?

Vice City, hands down.

Yeah but what's your favorite, fag? The games all do different things, it can invoke decent enough discussion to compare the merits of certain features.



The only people who like Vice City more than San Andreas are people that REALLY don't like black people (based, but prove me wrong. SA is way better)

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if you're a normie? san andreas
if you've got taste? vice city

IV's clearly my favourite. Best city, Best soundtrack, best DLC, pioneered multiplayer as an out of the box feature after years of having to resort to mods, best supporting characters.

at the time of release, vice city. all things considered, 5.

the atmosphere
god-tier radios
3 cities with a distinct environment
the roleplay elements here and there (goint to the gym, getting clothes, destruction derby, betting on horses etc)

I like vice city because its one of the best 80s themed games next to hotline miami

80s games are actually quite rare

>no love for GTA:LCS in this thread
why? on top of that it's standalone, something rockster will never accept anymore

Vice City has a great atmosphere for sure, but I find its open world lacking. Not due to size, as if it were filled with things to do, that wouldn't be a problem

SA's world is not only big, but it's filled with tons of stuff to do.

The continued support of 5 won us over

I’m on the SA bandwagon too, though I am a bit biased because it defined much of my childhood and adolescence. I played San Andreas Multiplayer and the distinct characteristics of three open world cities was amazing. Not to mention the large countryside which also had some personality, in bits and pieces of course (not many people are gonna distinguish Angel Pine from Dillimore).

LCS and VCS were recreations of their respective cities (III and VC). Nothing particularly impressive and the reviewers knew that, which is why the ratings are a bit rougher.

IV being the first HD was a huge boost to realism but took itself too seriously. Cars controlled like boats, your cousin would email you and cry that the family was falling apart if you didn’t respond to his phone calls, and dating was awkward and not exactly incorporated into the game well, like SA.

Regarding V, the reintroduction of the stats system was a nice touch. As was the focus-tested plot of the “next big score” which was written based on players hugely positive reactions to the bank heist mission in GTA 4. And things can get goofy, especially if you are playing GTA Online and using their weapons/cars it can get a little Fortnite-y. That said I think V recreating LS into a bigger version of LA was a calculated decision, since if suspension of disbelief is what they were going after they can’t have a major city nearby LA’s sprawl.

3 is the best game and Vice City stories has got the best radio stations.


4 is the best ez
haha funny ragdoll go sploosh

It very clearly was your first one, go back to resetera zoomer

Still never played the Stories games, are they worth emulating?

>vice city
LMAO what a retard

The final list, don't (You) me:
Best protagonist: VC
Best antagonist: SA
Best supporting charcters: IV & EFLC
Best story: SA
Best mission diversity: V
Best gunplay: IV
Best driving: V
Best gangs: SA
Best visuals: V
Best pedestrians: V
Best zeitgeist: VC
Best talk radio: III
Best radio stations: IV
Best score: V
Best pause menu music: TboGT
Best DLC: IV
Best Banshee: III
Most diverse biomes: SA
Most well-grounded criminality: IV

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For me it's GTA III

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I think it's actually really hard to choose a best one. They are all God-tier and will always be fun to replay.

>80s games are actually quite rare
Yeah, easy to forget that what with the sea of 90s and 2000s games we have

The lady from the Episodes from Liberty City poster gave me the greatest hard on so ELC wins

Couldn't agree more, still have fun playing SA's missions, clocked it more times than I can count over the years.

>players hugely positive reactions to the bank heist mission

I don't get this at all. Those missions typically suck, it's just a overly long shootout and nothing else.There were many more interesting missions in IV

That image takes me back to being an 11 year old marvelling at how big Liberty City was. There's just something about GTA3s open world. Not exactly creepy but But comfy at the same time.

It's supposed to be 2001 but it feels like it is a weird place that exists outside of time.

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what version is that?