What was your favorite arcade?

What was your favorite arcade?

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anyone know any porn that take place in an arcade asking for a friend

There was that jav one WHERES grinded up against a Jojo game

God I fucking hate women

Either Alladin's Castle at Spring Hill Mall or the arcade/tacobell at Navy boot camp. We called it recruit heaven.

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Southern Hills Golfland


Playdium in my part of canada used to have multiple locations in early 00s and the downtown Toronto one was easily the best. It probably was one of the few arcade businesses that tried to emulate game centres/arcades from japan with multiple floors dedicated to different and newish games but failed badly and closed within 2 years.

There's that video of Iiniku Ushijima getting groped in an arcade.

Playdium had bad service at times due to idiot staff. Some good games though.

The Mississauga and Downtown Toronto locations were the only good ones. But it really only lasted till like 2001. Sega pulled their backing from it.

The arcade on the second floor of Pacific Mall was the best. Illegal Japanese imports, good prices, despite the chinks there trying to rip you off. All of those Japanese arcade games were the best. Then due to the OPP and RCMP raids due to pirated movies and stuff, it closed down and Playdium took over and made it SHIT. They got rid of the Japanese games. Oh well, the Pacific Mall wasn’t taken care of at all, and is now run down. Never use the bathrooms there anyways, floors were covered in Chinese piss.

Needs to be actual penetration it seems like the one place no one did a porn set of

There's an arcade near where I live but they don't have any fighting games.

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tunza fun in cranny shops

god I wish I grew up in the 80s

I never had the opportunity to go to a real arcade, well, they never really existed where I live anyway, but our movie theaters and laundromats tended to have selections of 3-4 cabs, usually a pacman, an mvs 4 board, and then some other shit. sometimes older like donkey kong, sometimes something like cabela, and on rare occasion I remember they had a full ass star wars arcade game display at my laundromat. I probably paid for that thing 4 times over.
Bowling alleys were cool cause they tended to have the most games, but the machines were never well kept, and it wasn't even 2000 when they started replacing all the games with shitty cashgrab prize machines like stacker.

>spend a decent amount of my childhood in Mexico after my mom moves there for business opportunities
>mamebox arcade machines are everywhere and take 1 Peso (roughly 10 cents at the time) per play
>kids play on these things like crazy, it is an omnipresent part of being a child in Mexico it seems, at least in that area
>everyone plays KoF 2002 (specifically 2002), Metal Slug, occasionally stuff like Snow Bros but mostly the first two
>usually the KoF02 would be some weird hack where you can play as Rugal, and everyone would play as Rugal and stunt on each other
>have fond memories of playing arcade games on these mameboxes
>even play on multiple legit MvC2 cabinets there in the early 2000s
>visit again somewhat recently
>there are no mameboxes to be seen
KoF02 is still one of my favorite fighting games

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sometime bowling alleys had the best stuff like house of the dead and time crisis, did you get to play those? They were around until the mid-late 2000s for me. the star wars arcade game is kino, if its the one where you can use the lightsaber and everyhing with the flight stick.

Apache Pier at Myrtle Beach. It wasn't a particularly nice arcade, but they had F-Zero AX, and that's good enough for me.

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It was that one yeah.
And nope, no light gun games. That star wars game was an anomaly, everything else was pretty normal sized cabs, no weird peripherals (except restaurants having the cabelas, as I mentioned).
I wish I got to experience it, it's not like I was born in 2000 either, I was born in 87, the arcade scene just never hit where I live.

My movie theater has a House of the Dead cabinet. I remember playing it when I went to see Wreck-it Ralph.

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Tokyo Game Action

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no hoverhand there, chad as fuck. so chad he tore the dude next to him's gaze off his paid for, in-progress game of pacman, and now he's staring into the void, wondering where the fuck his life went so wrong that he couldn't match that god amongst men beside him.

damn I didnt know that Steve1989 from Youtube was a gamer..................

First he steals your gf then he fucks her eating his MREs

*unzips dick*

Round1 is my go-to, though I only get to visit one when I travel to places that have them. They were supposed to open one in my area this year. Then Covid happened.

That one tank game. You had your seats and controls in front of you and you had a multiplayer tank shooter. Also that alien shooting game.

First job I ever had was working in an Aladdin's castle. It sucked.

cringe but also kyspilled

When did this type of ass become "flat" and every kid was brainwashed by jews into liking "thicc" sheboon lard masses?

Its not as cool as it sounds. Bullying was encouraged by teachers and doing anything remotely fun (video games or D&D and the like) past the age of 10 made you a social outcast. If you got beat and went to a teacher they would give you gems of advice like stand up for yourself or don't let them know it bothers you. Had a gym teacher tell me to quit being a homo after i got beat up right in front of him once. The only upside that I see honestly is that it seems to me like it was easier to get laid back then. I see a lot of "forever alone" posting but back then even if you were a loser lile myself all you had to do was tell a girl you loved her and wanted to get married after college and her panties would disintegrate. I don't know what dating is like these days but back then I never saw people whining about being virgins.

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