2020...I am forgotten

2020...I am forgotten

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Why play a worse version of Allstar Racing Transformed?

and even that's still not great.

Attached: Untitled.webm (960x540, 2.06M)

>One untested part of a track that can easly be avoided means the game is not good
And it's still better than any MK game

I enjoyed it quite a lot and will buy Team Sonic Racing if it gets really cheap. ART was my favorite cart racer on PC.

>missing the point and moving the goalpost
the physics are fucked, particularly for boat sections & kart collisions.

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They should've waited another year to release you.-
>We would've had a Sonic game in 2020, now their won't be one
>It wouldn't have had to compete with Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled now that GPs are over and that game's hype has died out
>Would've released close to the Sonic Movie for maximum hype
>It probably would've had new tracks instead of reusing 1/2 of the past Sonic Sega Racing ones
>With more time and planning, the roster might have been better & the Online might not of been a broken mess


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As someone who bought it day 1, absolutely do not buy it. Don't even pirate it. It's honestly shit and a complete downgrade over the last one. It's even a downgrade over Sega All-Stars Racing.

They already delayed the game specifically to fix the online and other improvements. This shit was dead since it began.

I greatly prefer SEGA All-Stars over Transformed specifically because of those God awful boat sections.

>>We would've had a Sonic game in 2020, now their won't be one
Then there wouldn't have been a Sonic game in 2019.

But the issue is that Sega clearly gave Sumo Digital a shoestring budget to make this, more time wouldn't have fixed anything.

sub-par racing game

if you like them then more power to you, but you can't say they aren't fucked. taking the ramp in burning rangers is damn near a coinflip on whether you make it or dead stop for certain characters.

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I said I didn't like Transformed.

ah, my mistake. I really have to stop speed reading.

>Sega released this and Puyo Champions on the same month
>both died and got surpassed by CTR and Tetris 99 repesctively because Sega just refused to both games getting new content
Well this is akward

At least Puyo Champions was just a small thing they made to feature in nip e-sports tournaments. This was the only Sonic game between Forces and whatever Sonic Team shits out next year (unless you really want to count Mania Plus and Mario & Sonic 2020) so it should've been given more effort.

In the case of TSR, they refused to fix the game's fucking online. The PC version was fucked beyond belief and you couldn't even play online with teams. You know, the entire point of the fucking game.

Fun game. Better than shitona 5.

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Still they don't have any excuse to add new content outside ''Muh 24''. Free to play garbage has more content than 10 dollars for Champions

>(unless you really want to count Mania Plus and Mario & Sonic 2020)
SEGA does. Those fuckers even went so far as to re-release Sonic Mania physically without the Plus content. Which begs to question why they didn't bother to release a physical run of Sonic Mania in the first place. They literally flooded the shelves with a useless outdated fucking version.

What are some ways they could have improved the game or what they can do for a possible sequel?
>Roster includes everyone from Heroes, the Babylon Rogues, and more
>Include reworked versions of all the Sonic tracks from All Stars Racing/Transformed instead of some of them
>More stages based on essential Sonic stage themes, like space and maybe even some Riders inspired stages post launch
>Fixed online netcode
>Singular tracks and not just zones of 3 to help add variety
>Better presentation, like fully animated cutscenes instead of Free Riders esque text boxes with voice acting
>Better mission variety. Cut Grand Prix missions entirely.
>More content to unlock that isn't customization based, like music tracks and concept art
This game should have just been Sonic Generations Racing, and it almost was, but got fucked by SEGA for sure

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Cursed game.

Yeah, should have been Sonic Generations of Kart racings and pull a fucking CTR by adding Archie and IDW and other spinoff characters.


>posting the autotune version

the original is objectively bad user

You're right best version coming through:

The customizable cars are extremely shallow and all look uglier than the ones from the previous games, so I would've definitely cut that to make way for more characters. The biggest disappointment for me though was that the tracks were all static, unlike Transformed where many tracks have elements unique to each lap that felt awesome to race through, such as the bridge falling apart in Rogue's Landing that forced you into airplane mode.
Also, the story.. Could they really not afford a single cutscene? Even Riders had cutscenes even if they weren't great. It was at least something.


It got BTFO'd by Crash and a Sonic Racing game made in the Doom Engine.

There hasn’t been a single update since the game released. I still can’t play the final two courses in the last cup.

Most importantly, though, fix the broken online matchmaking. Even back when the game released and there were thousands of people playing I could never get into a lobby of more than one or two people. Nowadays I don’t find any at all.

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