I just don't fucking get it

After the Wii U why hasn't Nintendo started putting games on other platforms yet? During the Wii U era I was hoping Ninty would go 3rd party like Microsoft and the other boomer game devs/pubs (ex: Sega) so that I could play their games on the Playstation but for some reason that hasn't happened yet and and for some reason Sony of all people are making their games multiplat (even though all their consoles have sold over 100 mil). I don't understand why this is and it's pretty infuriating desu.

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>what i want doesnt happen. why wont other people do what i want!!!!!!! im such a crybaby bitch

Well, you just have to buy a switch.

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It's not just what I want it's LOGICAL Sega went, SNK went but Nintendo doesn't even after the Wii U!?!?

Sega fucked themselves so hard they couldn't recover, neo geo wasnt really that popular to begin with. Nintendo has the resources to recover, unlike Sega.

Their shit machines sell like bath water and they hold real state inside the heads of the US citizens, why would they play like the others?

They’re too big now. Look at all the soibois who beg for switch ports. They actually like inferior hardware as long as it’s tied to this brand. If NX wasn’t the switch and failed like the Wii U it would’ve probably happened but there’s no way now

Because it takes more then one failed system for a company to just give up, like If the switch failed also then we might of gotten Nintendo games on PlayStation but the switch is a success so you’re fucked, just go buy a switch already.

>for some reason that hasn't happened yet
>for some reason
they make enormous amounts of money with their hardware and exclusive titles and they don't need to go 3rd party

Nintendo is doing much better than their competitors, just by being Nintendo.

lol you really have no clue of how this industry works. Nintendo is the most successful video game company in its history. They can afford to make like 5 Wii U tier flops in a row and still be ok. SEGA was never ever that rich

comparing the Wii to anything of a level of a flop as Sega even after going third party they are in a terrible place.

Nintendo wants to stay independent. Good for them.

I've been enjoying their software since the mid-90s. Not once did I ever think "wow that hardware sure is fun". Hell, in a few cases I kinda dreaded the hardware one way or another. The software on the other hand has been mostly consistent.

Nintendo going third party would be the greatest thing ever. Well, as long as the game quality doesn't decline.

Hey man, as someone who'd like certain games on Playstation also on my Switch, I feel your pain. But, that's just the nature of competition, sadly.

Judging by what happened to Sega thw quality would take a hit

The Wii is such an interesting case. The stark contrast between not only how Nintendo marketed the thing, or the way consumers saw the system, but how the system holds up to this day.

In 2006 I don't think anyone could have predicted that a Wii would go on to be the definitive way to experience all of Nintendo's pre-WiiU legacy content.

Better question: why the fuck hasn’t Nintendo remastered their old games and released them on switch? They would make money hand over fist if they re-released older Pokémon or Mario games with updated graphics.

This is the final console generation for Sony and Microsoft. The next generation will be entirely based on cloud computing and Sony will have no choice but to go third party while Xbox will dominate. Meanwhile, Nintendo will continue to pump out weak hardware that sells based on the Nintendo IPs alone.

Because SNK and Sega didn't have a handheld line that kept them afloat on top of having made an absolute killing financially with the DS and Wii a generation before.

They have no incentive to strengthen others' platforms, especially when their own platform is selling so well. Sony, meanwhile, makes most of their money from licenses associated with third party titles. They only have exclusives to sell the console to people who don't just buy FIFA every year. That, and vanity, Sony is an extremely vain company and gets off on producing "groundbreaking" first party titles.

Ah, the truth comes out at last after 8 years of you types denying it, not that we didn't already know it by know: you refused to buy a Wii U because you wanted it to bomb and have all its games to end up on Sony instead

Let me guess: you went through the same anguish when Wii saved them after the GameCube rather than seeing all their games hit PS3


>After the Wii U why hasn't Nintendo started putting games on other platforms yet?
What other platforms? On PS4? Because Sony is releasing their games on PC, and not on Switch.

switch is SO much better than ps4 and xbox one.

fuck sony and microsoft

The Wii U actually made a profit.
When people talk about Nintendo's massive amount of cash from the Wii they aren't kidding, unlike the other two companies they not only don't have to worry about the other sectors of their company holding them back like Sony Pictures or Mixer, but the Japanese government is also willing to bail them out.
Nintendo also holds about 75% of the Japanese game market

you have to be at least a little bit idiotic to think that nintendo's on the same level as post-genesis sega or SNK

It's really not, and I'm saying that as a Switchfag. They're all companies who want your money and aren't your friend

Nintendo's net worth is more than all of Sony's, not just PS.
They can do whatever the fuck they want unless they fuck up for 3 gens in a row.

Because the Switch is completely dominating the handheld market and is making up for all the lost money that the WiiU costed them

Wii U didn't lose them money, it was profitable for its entire lifespan, it just didn't sell well

You'll get Mario on PS when we get Bloodborne on PC. So probably never.

Kind of like how you snoys would rather play games on inferior hardware as long as it's tied to the PlayStation brand. I'm beginning to see a pattern...

Cloud computing will never take off until the USA fixes their infrastructure. So we're looking at 20 years minimum

Literally rent free. Grow up, dude.

>why won't nintendo just forego billions of dollars so i can play bing bing wahoo on my cuckstation

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>portbegging is OK when Snoys are doing it

Believe it or not, OP, there's actually a really easy way to play Nintendo games; All you have to do is buy a Switch. Hell, you can even just emulate them on PC now.

Golly gee, it's so simple, even a caveman could do it!

because nintendo isn't for faggots who make the mistake of buying the playstation every year

Nintendo is selling well. WiiU was their only bad console ever. Some Nintendo games outsell popular multiplats. Just recently in a lot of countries, Animal Crossing outsold TLOU2 despite being half year old game being sold at full price. It's likely that they will fight the next gen without releasing a new console which was never done before in the industry. It would be stupid move to release multiplats. It would harm the sales.

Maybe read the post I replied to retard. I'm literally rephrasing what that user said.

>One thread is the equivalent to 1000000 threads begging for Persona 5 on the switch

The user isn't OP. You assumed he had a PlayStation and also assumed he worshipped the brand. Again, rent free. Grow up. It's a gaming system from a multimedia company. Get the fuck over it.

>he posted, smoking crack and ignoring the screaming autism around the switch's release three years ago and the screams that it would fail then the portbegging for BOTW

Yes, I know. We won't get it. Which is why I will replay the PS3 version.
Have fun with that Chinese ''BotW killer''. (which is a multiplatform title, but hey)