How do we fix the horror genre?

how do we fix the horror genre?

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i...i'm in love

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We make Video Ouiji come true.

video Ouija

We make Video Ouiji

She's dead, we're all dead.

Pick a specific phobia, build the game around that. Keep the budget low as it's obviously catering to a specific niche.

Spirits that haunt this house.... Tell me, what was we talkin' about?

Do some humans actually look like that bros? I don't go outside.

My sister's baby.



Start caring about atmosphere and pacing

Also, putting the player into situations that are uncomfortable and feels like you aren't full in control/capable of dealing with what's happening.

Oh yeah, one them other dead boys told me about that. How she doin?

She's dead, we're ALL dead.

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I actually think you could make a nerve-racking game that wasn’t necessarily a horror game centered around flatuphobia (fear of farting at an inopportune time).



About time

Well western devs are having an issue with serious uncanny valley for their characters right? That should be used to their advantage
Like Scott Cawthon did

It's not uncanny valley, it's that they make girls ugly.

It’s both

Not really, not many games give any uncanney valley effect because animations are often good enough to avoid that.

by making them sell. no money = no game developer wants to make a horror game.

Stop relying on dark environments and "sudden face and loud noise" jump scare garbage

This, the Ocean House in VTMB did it fine.

When you are in a safe area feel free to make the SFX and music frantic or concerning. Nothing may be happening but if you play footstep noises in a certain area while nothing is actually there it should make the player uncomfortable.

Instead of having the player walk through narrow dark corridors, have him walk in a bright, spacious mansion

Have actual good games.

Effective use of silence