What's the deal with those bee alternative outfits in games?

What's the deal with those bee alternative outfits in games?

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Why does she have a bee butt on her back? Why knot just maker her butt the bee butt?

name 5 games with bee alts


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Because then it would cover her butt.

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I think you are on to something OP. One time this guy walked past me and whispered “I’m going to turn into a bee”. Haven’t trusted them since


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it's a stinger

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It's a knockoff of playboy bunnies. The bunny outfit is trademarked by Playboy, Japan gets around it with bee outfits. Why bees is anyone's guess.


Super Mario Galaxy

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Very spring
You know, the fuck season

Are bees sluts in real life?

I think this thread is awakening something in me

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>1 queen and her male harem
it's a bukkake fest

But they also do tons of bunny outfits

>every single worker in the colony gets keked by based stacy queen
a eromanga waiting to be drawn

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Would you ?

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Do you think bees eat their own honey? I'm sure they've at least tasted it.

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user, why the fuck else would they make honey? For fun?

That's just not true. Bunny outfits are also very common. Bulma wore one. They've been in lots of shit. Here's one in real life from my trip to Saporro last year.

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nah, he's half-right
Playboy 100% has a trademark and they'll go after any "big" releases with bunny suits in it mercilessly, but they're old-fashioned and see Japan as irrelevant ching-chong media that isn't worth going after, especially given how lax Japan's copyright laws are
it's how jojo gets away with calling every fucking character after some dadrock band in Japan but the official english releases of volumes censor the names

>especially given how lax Japan's copyright laws are
>>trademark == copyright

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I'm a retarded ESL whose language doesn't really differentiate the two, are they not interchangeable?

In case your native language is Spanish, the terms are "derecho de autor" and "marca registrada".
Both of these legal concepts arose at different times and have different reasons for their existence. Copyright seeks to encourage authors to produce more creative works by giving them an incentive in the form of a temporary monopoly over their art.
Trademarks, meanwhile, are a way of combating counterfeits and ensuring costumers know what they're buying. If I register the name "Shitposter Cookies" then only I can produce crackers under that label. It makes it feasible for sellers to build their own brands.
A key difference is that while trademarks can be renewed indefinitely, copyright only lasts for a set period of time; after which the work becomes public domain. This is important in order to ensure the freedoms of the public, because there's no reason to restrict them further once authors already have a sufficient incentive to make their works.