Just look at this!

Does it look like a guy who has a defense at all?
To me it shows literal fucking weakness and defeat, like he is about to cry at any fucking second for the atrocities he did.
I couldn't watch his pathetic video and it's probably full of rambling and crying, trying to appease the 10 faggots who watch him.
Can we cancel him already? Or somebody has a link to his BestGore debut?
Thank you very much!

Attached: Yesdear.png (480x271, 195.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck jews
Fuck jannies
Fuck op

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Who is this Oblivion character creation looking nigga now?

he fucking won. zero could only dream of making a recovery like this.

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I think you're confused sir, type the following to reach twitter.com :


I LITERALLY cannot imagine having a mindset like this.

>completely disproves the accusations towards him

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>when you paid for feet pics 5 hours ago and she still hasn't responded

Everyone on the internet has seen this guys dick and he STILL has the balls to make videos on Youtube

He's stronger than you think

Does he have the receipts?

Isn’t this ‘drama’ ten years old?


JonTron, ProJared and DSP are more alive than ever even if you are triggered, cope trannies

He literally begged for this to happen, acting holier than thou over feminist and woke shit for a while. These fuckers feed the beast then cry when the beast bites them

It sure feels like it slogging through this fuckawful year.

This guy is lucky Spoony had a mental breakdown and he basically filled his niche

He is still tweeting about the evil Drumpf, his support of Bernie Sanders and his donation receipts to Black Lives Matter?

Guy is the biggest SJW. Watch his Danganronpa stream and how visibly angry he gets over Monokuma calling Chihiro Fujisaki a dude. He would have been the biggest supporter of cancel culture prior to its coming for him.

This. He'll be fine. Bit of a backlash but already hardly anyone worth mentioning cares

Kill yourself.

He has an exhibitionism fetish. Why do you think he did that nudes thing to begin with?

This guy pulled off one of the biggest BTFOs in recent memory.

Who is dsp?


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They need to balkanize the internet already. There should be a Slovenia part where the internet is basically what it was in 1999, a Croatia part for all right wingers, a Serbia part for all left wingers and a Bosnia part where they meet discuss politics and send death threats to each other all day.

Join the 41% worthless subhuman filth.

Fuck off Chuds, back to Zig Forums

The King

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Even I like exhibitionism, its fun and teasey and I like peoples reactions.
I dont blame the guy.