How pissed off were people over this? Specifically the 6fags who wanted Kefka in

How pissed off were people over this? Specifically the 6fags who wanted Kefka in.

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Here, have a pity (You).

I don't remember seeing any mad at it
it's fucking cloud

Nobody expected Kefka. The only ones salty were BlackMagefags.

Im not mad im sad that they didnt put an echo skin with zack

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Nobody cares about Smash except pedophiles & trannies

>Being mad
>over cloud strife in smash

Pissed? Has rosterfaggotry really gotten this bad?
Everyone was like "HOLY SHIT CLOUD IN SMASH"

Black Mage would’ve made more sense but I was still pretty thrilled about it

Nobody was pissed about this. What the fuck are you on? Even the Genofags were lapping it up since it meant SE was finally on board.

no one wanted/thought it would be kefka lmao. everyone was stoked, i thought he was gay and obnoxious to play against in 4

Pissed because I thought I might have to buy a wii u, but then switch got announced and I figured a new smash would be made and he'll be baseline, so it worked out completely okay.

The only people that were mad were nintendo purists

I'm still pissed that his moveset is SHIT

made me think of brawl taunts immediately

At first I was like: HOLY FUCK CLOUD IN SMASH
Then I was like: What? Only 2 songs?

Also the Shantaefags and Shovelknightfags

>Specifically the 6fags who wanted Kefka in
Let me guess you saw some literal who crying about Cloud on Twitter because he wanted Kefka and then you came here to cry about it?

Imagine if Sony ask Square to give them Cloud and they got Lightning instead.

both of them don't have anything to do with final fantasy you actual tard

No one was mad except Nintendo purists. I wanted a character from either 6 or 7 since they're both my favorite games and I got what I wanted.

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literally no one was, Cloud back then was like a pipe dream pick. The only thing that made people upset was when we found out there’s only TWO FF songs

I have PTSD over all the reaction streamers who couldn't recognize FF7's intro and thought it was fucking Star Wolf.

>Oh shit, XI? I wanted the guy from III
>mfw the guy from III shows up

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I wasn’t pissed. I think some old FF fans were though. I was stunned. Always assumed Cloud would just be in those Smash Flash games.

But they were still salty as fuck over Cloud getting in over their genie waifu.

Who would be mad at this? If they said Cloud won the ballot I'd actually believe them.

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Cloud was the original "never ever" character for me after Sonic. I never expected him to get in.

Which of you thought nintendo would add this literal who spinoff side character to the legit roster?

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Only retards

Max Reacts got it right off the cuff, but then he's a massive FF7 fag

Who the fuck thought that Kefka was going to be the FF representation

Kids have no idea who he is