
>100 hours of content
>great voice acting and writing
This game had it all and it was killed in favor of more linear movie shit like FF10

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Every FF game experiments with gameplay and is vastly different, it's unfair to say that each new one "killed" the previous

The same staff involved with FFX worked on FFXIII and FF7 Remake.
The staff involved with FFXII worked on Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story.
It's not just experimentation. They literally just copy pasted the entire framework of FFX into FFXIII because everyone begged them to.

Single player MMO star wars ripoff with a godawful OST

Just started the game for the first time, i'd agree with most of your points so far except for VA. Frans voice fucking sucks.

Best game in the series by far. Loved everything about it and still listen to the OST
Final Fantasy would be in a better place today if it took inspiration for this game instead of taking inspiration from FFX. Copy mediocrity and the only thing that will result from it is more mediocrity in turn. See: FF13

nice bait but the ost is fantastic

>nice world, places look cool and give a real Arabian-anime feel
>the programmable combat system is neat if not particularly engaging
>tons of sidequests and monster hunting

>story was all muh politics (and it wasn't even GOOD politics)
>gray dull characters that are so bad people start filling them in FOR the writers (see FF8)
>unbalanced mess at launch and somehow even more of an unbalanced mess in the Zodiac edition
>somehow never fun, not even close

Overall a pretty mediocre game.

imagine being this fucking retarded

Are you guys ignoring that XV exists? I don't like XV but you sure as hell can't say they copied X

Wish I could go back before the series went to shit bros...I remember spending hours as a teen just exploring. I still remember shitting my pants exploring a cave and finding an esper that wiped out 2 hours of progress. I still remember spending 45 minutes fighting hunts and feeling so satisfied when I beat them. I never got immersed into a fictional world this much since then. It's either corridors or an open world where the only landmarks are gas stations

FF12 is an amazing game ruined by the fact that it's piss easy. Zodiac Age doubly so

>tfw we'll never get another Ivalice game

10 is better suck it zoomer.

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It goes like this:
>FF9 was great despite being slow
>FF10 was decent but I wouldn't take another game like this
>FF10-2 is trash
>FF12 is great and fixed most of my issues with linearity and combat
>FF13 was another FF10 game with the SAME issues that FF12 . Trash
>FF15 was just an Ubisoft game
>FF7R was once again another FF10 game and has the SAME issues. Slightly better than 13 but still trash.

Now the only thing the series is doing is ripping off FF7 and FF10 for every game and it's going to happen until Nomura and Kitase leave the company. I'm tired of them hijacking the company for 20 years now when they have shown again and again they can't make good Final Fantasy games.

>They literally just copy pasted the entire framework of FFX into FFXIII
they literally didn't because then I would've liked ff13

>FF13 was another FF10 game with the SAME issues that FF12 *fixed*. Trash

all the rumours i've read about the next FF leave ivalice at a decent possibility IIRC

I will never stop being amazed how they got away making a female being this slutty in a mainstream game.

Or maybe you should have realized that FF10 is also bad

>great voice acting and writing
Voices, sometimes.
Writing? LOL no.

>Had the most boring female protagonist and plot in the entire series
>is shit
Also, Balthier and Fran should have been the viewpoint characters, not the two tagalongs who were worthless to the plot.
Gambit system is convenient, but takes away too many crucial decisions from you (like when to heal/use a special attack). Felt like the game was playing itself. FF13 had the same problem.

I wish FF7's materia system was in a game like FF12

They made her so boring and bland that you would not want to fuck her.

No. Best combat system in all of final fantasy. FF1,2,3 and 10 are the only ones I like, any other I never finished.

Attached: rikku_.png (557x807, 941.5K)

>"Best combat system in all of final fantasy."
>Quick Hit
You have now won the game

Yeah well other than that. It's not like there are any rpg's out there that can't be cheesed with just spamming one move.
Also if you do a no sphere grid run you won't have that cheese

12 is one of my favorites but it's writing was dogshit. There was absolutely no point for me to care about the war'ing factions or anything they were doing.

>you're an orphan
>Vaan states he doesn't give a fuck about anything as an orphan aside from his brother was killed in the war
>Vaan basically has forgotten this whole fact since he barely knew him
>only reaon is because the princess he doesn't even win at the end is from his home town

Literally everyone aside from Vaan had a legit reason to fight for something, the MC literally had no reason to do anything other than the plot forced him to.

10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit we know why it's shit and it's bad
Type zero is shit
Final fantasy 7 remake is so bad it's insulting to use to word shit
Final fantasy 8 remastered is shit because the backgrounds look like they took a 50x50 background and blew it up to 2400x2400 the blur is fucking horrible
16 will be shit
17 will be shit

1-10+tactics for life death to Square Enix praise Squaresoft.

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not that user but FFX had broken combat, if you didn't use the sphere grid in the original game for as long as you could your XP would scale so rapid that you could break the game. I got up to semours altima fight or whatever fucking ice castle was before I realized the sphere grid was there and useful

Ashe looks like a brunette in a cowl in that promotional image. I was under the impression that the character would be some quirky whitemage of sorts. The Ashe in-game was anything but.

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please speak english. What the fuck are you trying to say? Are you implying Vaan didn't know his own BROTHER?
And you're saying he had no reason to fight when his brother was murdered and framed as a traitor when Reks was the only one caring for him for years after their parents died?
Tell me which youtuber you're parroting so I can cut the middleman

this game was boring and the cast was the worst part. otherwise I'd tolerate the combat that plays itself.

I too have also seen the meme image. I like spouting memes I've seen from too, so I never have to play the game to form my own opinion.

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you mean the ones without the awful ATB system? yeah that's good.

Yeah that's a way to grind exp. But you can beat the whole game without using the sphere grid (that includes optional bosses with the exception of one) as a challenge run

>Tell me which youtuber you're parroting so I can cut the middleman
none, Vaan mentioned it like 3 times at critical plot points in non zodiac age. When the cut content was restored for that release it made actual sense but in the ver 1.0 game it didn't make any fucking sense why Vaan gave 2 shits about half of what he did since him living on the side was comfy