Your pick + color

Your pick + color.

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As a kid I would've gone for Desann or guardian w/ purple blade
Now I'll just take praetor with blue blade

these are the least efficient dildos i've ever seen

Firebrand + red naturally. Time to be a villainous fuck.

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Either Arbiter or Praetor with a purple blade. I like the aesthetics of Arbiter best, but it looks like it could be uncomfortable to hold.

Gimme a Consul with orange blade.

Guardian, and white

I don't remember if white was in JA or if it was a mod I had, but either way I think it looks neat

my god star wars sucks

Reborn and green
I love the Luke-style hilts with the really skinny parts

Vindicator and Gold, for that proper backwoods Jedi look.
Or Reborn + Black since it'd look sleek as all hell.

I remember using mostly defender with green and katarn saber with Blue.

I'm a good guy, I swear.

all these bullshit edgelord designs and then you have "Luke" as a reminder that Jedi built their own damn lightsabers and colors were a mistake

I think I picked retaliator in my first playthrough

also ja is worse in every way compared to outcast

Most lightsaber hilts always seemed not very ergonomic and for no real reason. Is it that difficult to create a hilt that isn't covered with a bunch of bumps and articulations?

give me a fucking zweihander, i could beat any one of those pricks if they swear by their pussy plasma beam duels

>using boring melee weapons
I bet you'd also just use a glock instead of a bowcaster or something lol

consul for single armed

vanquisher for double

any other options are factually wrong

only acceptable colors

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>being boring

ranged weapons are for redditfags that think it helps them by being "out of range" of opponents, like a bow and arrow is gonna help you against an ambush. get in there and slice them in two like a warrior.

i want the curvy one the bald chick uses in the cartoon

Either of the two second to the right, red. I've never watched Star Wars in my life

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your pleb opinions don't interest me

the slivers left of my inner child ask for Firebrand + Red, now judging by comfort and practicity (and ignoring the dual sabers) I still go for Firebrand because it loos like it have the best grip and Red because my fav colorand who the fuck wants to be a non-grey jedi nowadays?

and Purple but only if you're a motherfucking Samuel L. Jackson on a motherfucking space cult

its supposed to be uncomfortable as a reminder not to whip it out all willy-nilly. A comfortable lightsaber is used by someone looking for a fight

Firebrand looks like the comfiest, even if the color scheme isn't what I'd pick. Would probably go with either green or an orange/marigold sort of color for the lightsaber itself.

Which one was count dooku again? id take that with a white blade.
Im not a star wars person so i dont know, but can the blades themselves be customized or are they all just bars of light?

Praetor + orange blade

I'll make my own, thanks.

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Praetor with blue blade.

>katana guard

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>huge hilt
>ugly orange
literally why

big hilt = big dick

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Yes but you don't need to make it look like a dumb weebstick.
Plus if you're gonna have a two-hander grip, at least make the blade longer.

you have a shoto saber hidden in there dont you?