Steam summer sale

Around 30 hours left until the end of the Summer Sale.
What did you get so far and like?
what did you already refund?

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I bought a 50 cent shitty meme game and actually liked it meanwhile the 200 dollars I spent elsewhere is just sitting inside my library

I only wanted these

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Is Lucah: Born of a Dream actually any good? I've heard it's excellent and a hidden gem from a few anons in previous threads, but I've been burned on this shit before.

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I haven't bought something from a Steam sale since there was a backroom agreement among publishers to stop the race to the bottom. I miss getting 5 real video games for 10 dollars.

Fill my cart you fucks.

Ok boys, give gems under 5€.

How is my cart? I was thinking of dropping Rise of the Tomb Raider even though I kind of like TR 2013 and getting a weeb game like Akiba Trip.

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Which one?

Thinking of returning Blasphemous. Dont get me wrong its a great game but I feel like I just dont have the stamina or time for it, I can already tell its going to be a 40+ hour affair.

Recommend me something

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Nova Drift
Dead Cells
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Xanadu Next
Bayonetta+Vanquish Bundle
Way of the Samurai 3
Rain World

Took me 16 hours to almost 100% it.
It's pretty short and that time includes a lot of backtracking

It's not. It's just tedious and slow, so it feels like 40 hours.

Return it, it has a really nice pair of tits and that's basically it.
Everything else ranges from really bad to mediocre.

Dirt 1 and Dirt 2 are the cheapest they have been on steam and Dirt 2 GOTY edition comes with all the dlc for cheap

Tell me commander, if PC gaming is so great then why are there no good platformers on Steam?

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>Way of the Samurai
3 or 4?

What's the best game for $8 AUD that I can add to my kart for the discount?

I haven't bought anything since Divinity because nothing is worth fucking buying

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Project Warlock worth it?

3 was the last good one.

4 is bloated dogshit with a horrendous story and takes itself so lightly that it becomes a parody of itself.

What's the best game for $5 AUD that I can add to my kart for the discount?

I'm about to buy Dungeon Siege 1 for about a buck. Haven't played that game in years. Going to give myself a million dollars and deck out my goon squad in the best gear available.

They're both good games, but the tones are very different. 4 puts all the goofy stuff front and center, while 3 is more like a traditional samurai drama with a bit of silly stuff mixed in. Try 3 first.

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Loved that game. Might do it myself too.

Are 2 and 3 any good? I'm considering getting a bundle.

>What did you get so far and like?
Nothing, unless you count Little Witch Nobeta but I don't think that was a steam sale.
>what did you already refund?
Sonic Forces. I heard it was bad but jesus fuck, it was terrible.

I'm sorry guys.

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should i change my account region to argentina to save money? would i get banned?

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Favorite game so far is Murder by Numbers. Picross meets Phoenix Wright.

Already owned those in yellow.
I wanna buy Bannerlord 2 but I dunno, thoughts?
If not good, where should I spent my 30$ left for steam sales?

Crypt of the Necrodancer

>would i get banned?
most likely

No. It takes inspiration from Wolfenstein, not Doom. Think very simple, flat, maze-like levels rife with monster closets. Enemy variety is pretty much nil, and you'll never want for ammo or health even on the highest difficulty. It's really easy and brainless; it's clear that they knew how to nail the look and feel of a faux-retro FPS, but not how to design levels or enemies, which is the important part.

If you want a classic FPS, you're honestly better off looking at Doom mods, or picking up one of the build engine games like Duke3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, or Ion Fury. The retro revival games are alright, but none of them have really stuck with me; Dusk is the best of them, Amid Evil is dogshit and its ROTT2013 pedigree really shows.

got these, as of now I'm only playing bastion, darkest dungeon and kara no shojo and I'm enjoying all of them
I don't regret anything (yet)

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Bought this sale:
>BATTLETECH (not played much, seems cool)
>Worms WMD (to play with my brother).
>Children of Morta (really like it)
>Homeworld Collection (had the old games many years ago)
>Cloudpunk (not played yet, style appealed to me)
>Deep Rock Galactic (heard it's fucking good)
>Shadow Tactics (not played, did enjoy Commandos so I'm sure I'll like it)

Any recs? I'm looking for a good basebuilding/management game. Are there any hidden gems (think RimWorld or similar)

Also interested in action games, but less of a priority.

civ 4, 5 or 6?

Fuck me in the ass. I refunded some game I got during the sale but it turns out that I have to wait up to a week to get my money back.
This is some bullshit because I wanted to get another game with that money.

Where do you people get time to play all this shit?

I vaguely remember playing 2 and I don't think it was horrible. Can't remember 3 at all, it may have in fact been horrible and I avoided it. I'm just getting the first one as I feel like it will scratch my itch.

lads I can't change my market country to argentina

>buying the 100000 red orbs dlc
>when you can just use cheat engine
but why

They give themselves a week but it usually takes about a day.

I'm gonna play them down the line, the great thing about steam is that unless it goes bankrupt these are mine to keep and to play even years from now, also I prefer to keep a varied collection to be able to have something to play no matter what I feel like playing

What does Outer Wilds play like? Trailer gives me nothing.

It's not called bannerlord II, I guess you should skip it

Death Crown is a neat retro style strategy game that's pretty good. Running with Rifles is another sub $8 game that's pretty good.

Fellas I want your thoughts. Is it a cuck move to buy a game that you thoroughly enjoyed? I've probably replayed Resident Evil 7 around 3-4 times and I'd like to support them since it's only $10.

IV is the best game but it's a little dated now.

I couldn't get into VI, not sure why. V is the sweet spot for me.

How do you not have time to play?
Are you a normalfag?

idk it was part of the deluxe edition so i just bought it cuz why not

It's a bit like Metroid Prime but without action. You explore and solve puzzles with tools in first person.

Is that so? I hope I get my money back before the sale ends.

Are any of these good? I enjoyed Indigo Prophesy back in the day.

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Any games like Baldur's Gate?

Are any of the steamworld games worth it? (Steamworld heist, Dig 1/2)

Forgot the pic

So it's not worthy buying? Even for 26 bucks on key site?

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i liked detroid

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I've only played Dig 2 but it is fantastic.

Nwn, Iceland dale, and poe. Poe sucks though

Metroid Prime meets Kerbal Space Program meets interstellar murder mystery. Extremely well polished.
Best played without consulting a wiki/guide. It's well worth the sale price.

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I only played heavy rain when I was a teen and I loved it, but generally speaking I feel like if you know what kind of games they are and they appeal to you they're worth playing

I wanna thank Pearlposter for his recommendations

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Have you tried Devil May Cry 5 yet?
I heard good things about it

dig 1 and 2 are maximum comfy

what's the best sea dogs game?

Fable Anniversary vs TLC? Is the soul vs soulless meme real?

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Evil Within $8.99 (CAD)
Evil Within 2: $16.49

If you enjoyed Resident Evil 4, you will dig both these games. Great price for two really fucking cool games.

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nope, just bought it so i haven’t had the chance to touch it yet.

Same but I played it once and never touched it again.

Can anyone recommend a game where I go on cozy adventures with elves and goblins and farms and mines and sheeit?

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I mean all of the games you listed are great but why not just pirate them?

Yeah, they changed some character designs for the worse. The UI in Anniversary is horrendous as well.

Is Vampyr any good?