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CSA are the bad guys

>americans write up a constitution that states all men are born free
>end up fighting a war because those guys over there don't count
An entire history of retardation

Attached: shrug.jpg (4288x2848, 3.92M)

Yee yee

well niggers weren't considered people so it makes sense


pretty shitty constitution then if it doesn't actually follow its own rules

Fuck Niggers

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American politics were retarded from the start

>all men are born free
White Anglo-Saxon men.

I've always found it interesting how southerners are the only ones to feel truly superior to blacks even though as far as everyone is concerned they're basically the same sort of dreg.

as I said here

Union, feeling like burning some dixieniggers today.

Attached: A-LOC-07316a_vfzscy.jpg (1920x1920, 356.4K)

The American Civil War was really an Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic war.
A cultural war that still divides america.

>all men are born free
but that wont stop me from enslaving them

If you faggots weren't too lazy to pick your own cotton we wouldn't have niggers in the first place and we would be calling each other cucks on Mars right now.

can I get a quick rundown

fucking dumb considering no one in anglo or celtic countries really give a fuck about that stuff anymore

fellow Union CHAD

>Americans write up a constitution that says any states can leave the union whenever they feel like it
>End up fighting a war because some states left the union
At least get your facts right yankee.

>Fight to free nigs
>150 years later they tear down statues of you
Wow, what a victory.

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democratic party was a mistake

and why did they want to leave user? wouldn't have anything to do with slaves would it?

Shhh, don't mention that. No one actually likes learning historical context.

you have no idea what you're talking about, nobody regarded blacks as the same genus as Europeans

>Join my club, you can leave whenever you like
>btw we now have a mandatory dick-sucking rule so get on your knees
Amerisharts everyone.

>considering no one in anglo or celtic countries really give a fuck about that stuff anymore
There are anglo or celtic countries left?
The United Kingdom hasn't been anglo in years and Ireland is a EU vassal state for storing migrants.
What countries?

No, the south is old-school feudalist ex-roman catholic mainland euro
North is common law anglo protestant work ethic jew loving rootless cosmopolitan lizard

I see you're avoiding the question about slaves.

third worder here
did lincoln even said something about freeing the slaves when he was elected
or did south just throw a tantrum because WHAT IF HE DELEGALISE ET?!

>south is old-school feudalist ex-roman catholic mainland euro
>filled with scots and welshman
>KKK adopt celtic traditions
>jew loving
Ah the continental German-Americans
>rootless cosmopolitan
Nobody mentioned the French user, why are they in your head rent free?

CSA obviously, i don't want trans lesbian niggers as my president

The side that wins.

This game sucks. It's full of clanfags who just kick you out of their servers if they forget to lock them, no one stays in formation and follows orders, and if you play CSA you just get people screaming "NIGGER! NIGGER! NIGGER!" nonstop so it's impossible to play the game at all because they're retards. Could've been great, but all the worst kinds of people play it.

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>The United Kingdom hasn't been anglo in years
dunno whenever i'm in england I see quite a few english people and as for Ireland it seems to be full of irish people as well, obviously you've been to both as well and have a different view on the matter though

>I see quite a few english people
Poles and Gypsy's may be lighter skinned than Indians/Africans but please don't confuse Anglo as European

I'm aware user as I said I've been to a england a lot of times and have met a lot of english people, how often you find yourself there?

They've always been the bad guys.
First they enslave the blacks and now they want to destroy America again, once a democrat always.

Mutts think the entire western world looks like their own muttified shithole. Those cucks have never even set foot in a proper 1st world nation.

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can we just have a thread

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>americans write up a constitution that states all men are born free
>have jews enslave them at childbirth anyway

Attached: amerijewed.png (719x527, 77.48K)

no we all need hear how this mutt's first hand experience of what europe is really like first

america is a joke

>murricans call themselves white
>they all look either inbred or mixed
all right then

This is why no one makes games set in the american civil war, southerners get too butthurt

It was more of the fact that policies were already being passed in one half of congress thanks to the northern states having a larger value to their votes, and then the election went like this. The amount of property covered by southern states was relatively equal to the amount in the north, but whatever northern states chose was considered the victor. For the variety of reasons this happened, the south felt like they didn't hold the same political clout and ability to represent themselves as the entire other half of the nation, the same other half that had a relatively big difference in way of life and beliefs. So they felt that if a group of completely different people can just force their will on them as compared to what their interests were any time they wanted to, then they shouldn't stick with them. Lincoln winning was just the nail in the coffin. To put it in contrast, think back to the 2016 election. If Hillary won that election based off of the amount of counties that she controlled, and then all the other ones decided to separate from those counties, it'd be kind of the same deal except exaggerated in number variables.

Confederates invented cuckolding and enjoyed it so much they wanted to keep the blacks fucking their wives behind their backs so Union of course. Fucking CSA coomers jesus christ

Forgot to show this picture of the 1860 election for reference.

Attached: lincoln election.png (1200x698, 137.9K)

The CSA literally attacked first
>but muh taxes
federal taxes didn't exist yet, as amatter of fact the Civil War caused it to exist
>but muh tariffs
the Morill tariff wasn't a thing until after most southern states left the union
Lincoln was 100% about solving the issue diplomatically but then the CSNiggers decided to chimp out

cool uniforms though

The men that wrote the constitution did not consider niggers to be human.




Fuck off anti Semite