Indie game with Earthbound influence

>indie game with Earthbound influence
>is actually kino

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a shame that the guy who made this imploded and became a total fag

fpbp. like nigga i don’t care your politics but shitting on your fans is a big dick move

He was drunk and almost immediately after he realized his mistake he announced he'd disappear from twitter for good to work on his new game.

What is the name?

>being this new

ninja tears fucking when

>SJW dev
no thanks

pretty sure that's a teaser to some unannounced game about columbo, read the description.

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It's funny because he looks like a total chad, which goes against Zig Forums's narrative.

How did he do it? Most games who focus on edgy and serious themes often end up crappy and embarassing, but this is an exception.

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He didn't even know what cripplechan was, one of his fans just dragged him there for a surprise AMA.
And when in an interview he was asked about his thoughts on Anita Sarkeesian, he was like "Literally who?" until someone explained internet feminism to him.
And with the whole tumblr complaining, he just said he wouldn't back down on his vision, not that he'd double down.

Austin unironically admitted he has never used social media until working on LISA so he was completely unaware of internet politics and internet drama and felt like he was being tugged back and forth by the Zig Forums crowd that loved his game and the tumblr crowd that liked his game, so he just snapped and disappeared from the internet.
He's literally just a normalfag who caved into peer pressure.

The reason why he disappeared from the internet was because he admitted he fucked up with his 2016 outburst and that he'd put the rest of his time into game development instead of arguing with people.

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an eccentric man who can never stick to any one passion. Likely abandoned his game. Maybe returns to it for a couple days every so often.

doesn't really matter how you look when your mind is pozzed

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>It's funny because he looks like a total chad

people change, i used to be a big SJW, and now i hate women and niggers

>letting anything outside of the game ruin your opinion of it

He currently regained his senses. Heard from last thread that he was being manipulated by some twitter lefties or something at the time and was already dealing with some personal problems to add. He's been working on a game with his brother apparently. And it looks fun

didn't he recant this and apologize? said something about his dad dying around then

because the game is also funny, and it helps that the plot isn’t torture porn for the sake of it and it makes feel attached to the MC

even after seeing that I’d still willingly bend over for him, he is physically a Chad’s Chad.

>giving money to SJW
>trusting their "apologies"

seems based to me

is funny that you faggots say that after you always laughing at trannies for looking like monsters and others tumblerinas that are ugly, fat, look like faggots, etc
You’re still right that it doesn’t really matter if you’re hot if you’te latter a piece of shit, see e-thots


emotional heft

>>trusting their "apologies"
you who also don’t trust apologies from cancelled people? sjws

>yfw he’s more white than most of Zig Forums
ironic...we already knew that white are big niggers apologists

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jokes on you i hate niggers and women

hard to believe this is the same developer since his game makes fun of mexicans and even has black jokes

Retards here really are into cancel culture and won't forgive him anyway. Both sides really are niggers.

people don’t have a problem with racial jokes.
People don’t like it when autistic retards keep winging and crying about how much they hate minorities.

t. fence sitter

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in the end, politics is kinda like sports. people root their team to the death maenwhile the players for the itself don’t give reallt a fuck about them

what a fag

What are you trying to prove beyond the fact that he's also physically fit? He could probably beat at least 10 fat, LARPing Zig Forums nazis in a fight.

>people don’t have a problem with racial jokes.

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He's come around and apologized saying he wasn't in the right state of mind at the time, and that he's cut ties with a lot of the "indie crowd" who took advantage of his depression since.

you'll never pass

I don't grudge someone of their retarded opinions from fucking 4 years ago, and he learned to not be a moron afterwards. Go post some twitter screencaps, wojakfag

>every LISA discussion thread devolves into austin's twitter posts
You drama-chasing faggots just love to shit up every thread with your fucking politics don't you

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Retard here.
I haven't played Earthbound, but I watched many playthroughs of it and also AVGN review (bear with me here).
I played LISA a fuckton.

Where exactly is this "earthbound inspiration" in LISA? I don't see like any similarities, but everyone always talks about it like it's an Earthbound clone, or if they're more retarded, Undertale clone. And I just don't see it at all

>blaming muh depression for being a piece of shit

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Like a good 30% of comedy is just those kind of jokes. Gabriel Iglesias has literally made millions off of that shit. You’re just a spaz.

That video needs context, he's flailing around not because he's incompetent, but because he's unironically a professional drunken swordsman. That's a real martial art. That's pretty chad.

>I don't grudge someone of their retarded opinions from fucking 4 years ago, and he learned to not be a moron afterwards. Go post some twitter screencaps, wojakfag

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>You have to be an extremist like me! The world is black and white

>never used social media
>normalfag who caved into peer pressure

That's kinda sad and nice. Wish he stayed that way and never learned of the garbage that surrounds lisa fanbase. Oh well.

>just look away and the SJW will go away and stop to ruin video games!!!

Yep, I'm getting the fuck out of this thread, this has gone to shit really fast.

>tried to refute chadness of dingaling
>posts a video of him doing master level martial arts and looking cool as shit

His father died like a couple month before he made those posts to the point it shook him up so much that he temporarily changed his "studio"s name to his father's name and made a bunch of really strange posts.

He became noticably more "pozzed" and politically correct almost immediately after his father died. His father meant a lot to him since he based the protagonist on LISA on his own dad, even naming him after him.

Just talk about the game.

Where is monster update?

the only one here ruining the games is the fags that bring their retarded politics into games where they’re not relevant. Just because a dev doesnt completely toe your ideological line doesn’t make him your enemy you tard, it makes you a sjw.

>His father meant a lot to him since he based the protagonist on LISA on his own dad, even naming him after him.

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He's a leaf, what did you expect?
His game mocks trannies and portrays them as violent crazy bearded manly psychos, if that's any reconciliation for you \pol/tard.