Nintendo Direct 20-07-20

This Nintendo Direct will be the 20th of July, but they are going to talk only about Nintendo games called Nintendo Presents. Only games of franchises of Nintendo will be revealed (and also some games that are exclusive in the Switch). They will reveal:
> Super Mario All-Stars 3D
> Zelda Wind Waker HD
> Detective Pikachu
> Pikmin
> No Smash Bros character
> Probably they will reveal a date for Zelda BOTW2 (no 2020)

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at least this one is somewhat believable. I dont buy it but keep trying

>Direct on a Monday

>no smash character
I know this thread is a larp, but you’ve still managed to be 100x more convincing than the rest of the fuckers on here who like to larp as one and use this as an opportunity to shill for a character they want.

Hoping this is real solely for rosterfags getting cucked once again. Also another wind waker port kek

Absolutely laughing at people that paid for FP2 in JANUARY

After Byleth no less.

>Wind Waker HD
>But not bundled with Twilight Princess HD
Most believable part of this whole thing sadly

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I wouldn't mind the constant Wii U ports if they at least made them cheaper, or released them as bundles or something

>Zelda Wind Waker HD

you said presents not scams

I can't understand not buying the DLC so you have a full roster.
>There are people who pay full price for DLC when third party sellers sell codes for 80% of the price and you still get the full gold point amount

Paid less than 20 bongdollars for FP2. Basically got 2 characters free.

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>Nintendo Presents

"Presents" existed before Pokemon used it last month. It just mean that there will be non Switch software in the presentation, like mobile app.

But nice try, pretty believeable.

WW and TP should be bundled together at this point. I know they won't be but they should.

No, we will sell these games at full price for the next 20 years.

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there's already 70 characters in the game, missing out on the few dlc ones isn't a big deal

>Another fake leak thread
Just stop already, I'm not reading your shit

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counting inflation those who bought it in january got it at cheaper than those who waited

> Probably they will reveal a date for Zelda BOTW2 (no 2020)
Kek "Probably"

Especially since there were talks of "alternatives" to directs. Works in quite well.

I mean I also use my setup for locals so I've kinda got to do so, how else will I groom kids?

>replying to a thread just to say you're not reading it

SMT V when

At least the japs have SMT1 on NSO on the 15th.

>Not just pirating them
You do have a first generation switch right user?

Does modding still not work on newer ones? I thought they figured out a way by now. (not that it matters to me as I have already got and modded my first gen switch)

You say 'got' in past tense. You've got 1 character so far. You aren't getting the other 5 anytime soon.

And? I'm not an impatient child.

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>when your release schedule is so slow, inflation comes into account

Plus you can look at it two ways, people who waited could get it 'cheaper' if their pay has increased. I know here in Britbong min wage went up in April by 50p, meaning it would take less hours to work now than in January to earn enough for FP2

Another morning, another fake Direct leak. It's like clockwork.

>20th of July
That's my 30th birthday.

if they could fix windwaker hd and get rid of the bloom/rim lighting, then i'd be excited.

Happy early birthday, user. I hope you enjoy it.

If they could make Windwaker without the toon style, I'd actually play the game.

happy early birthday user

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happy early birthday :)

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I'd rather have the original's toon shading in 1080p
fuck both TWWHD and TPHD