How is this fair?

how is this fair?

Attached: hollow knight failed champion.jpg (1280x720, 136.28K)

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Git gud

>getting filtered by Fallen Champion of all bosses
c;mon user

no fuck you this boss is shit

Failed Champion and Lost Kin are what separate casuls from competent people.

It's the same boss but faster and hits harder. Get better. Failed Champion is a tough jump in difficulty but not even close to the hardest.
You could also ignore him for now and go back to it later with a better Nail, charms, and more health

>same boss
that boss wasn't fun
now he's not fun AND he's hard
no thanks

lol this boss isn't even hard.

I spent half a day trying and failing to beat Lost Kin with my vanilla build. Then I gave up and equipped the smelly badge and got him first try.
The randomly spawning orange ghosts or whatever are just bullshit, plain and simple.

Ignore the people saying he isn't hard. I've found what some boss people thought was hard was piss easy and vice versa. Just like every other boss, you just have to keep fighting him until you figure him out completely.

It's not, but you can beat him.

Wish I could play HK for the first time again. Completing the Pantheon of Hallownest made all the bosses so easy, even PV and NKG are almost muscle memory at this stage.

Silksong when?

It's not. Devs realized masochists exist and will call shit design "good gameplay" and eat it up.

>Completing the Pantheon of Hallownest made all the bosses so easy
But did you do it with all bindings?

All the bosses other than Grey Prince Zote are well designed. All of them are beatable without taking damage. Clearly you aren't very good at the game or you didn't have the patience to get better. What a shame lol

I'll be honest, no I didn't. I did get Radiant on all of the Hall of Gods bosses other than AR as I kind of lost the urge to play once I got the platinum :(

>tfw after an entire evening training, you finally beat PV without taking dmg

Attached: 1508628121297.jpg (800x446, 24.61K)

>I have to put in mental effort to learn the controls, so it's shit
i didnt think games journalists browsed Zig Forums

how isn't it? it telegraphs all of its attacks pretty clearly, and the falling rocks help you more than they hurt you.
can you elaborate, or are you baiting?

I hate it when people think difficult games are about punishing yourself and experiencing suffering.
It is about overcoming the difficulties to make the reward more meaningful

>All the bosses other than Grey Prince Zote are well designed.
>Ascended Markoth is well designed

>beat PV on Radiant and in Pantheon of the Knight
>lose to it first time I get to it in Pantheon of Hallownest
It hurts. I could be practicing Absolute Radiance right now.

Or should i say, grub

Fpbp, I beat this fucker with no damage after the first couple of tries. One of the easiest radiants in godhome.

>die 50 times to false knight
>do a 360 and uninstall
garbage game

Because you picked to fight the dream bosses instead of hunting down warrior dreams and whispering roots. The trade-off for not wanting to explore is having to beat a tougher than usual boss, and of course the alternative is backtracking to avoid those fights. That being said, all the dream bosses are easy as shit, especially since you have the ability to fight them with the shade cloak and monarch wings.

just stand in the corner lmao
game is boring

Come on nigger.

I suck balls at video games and I could defeat this boss in a few tries.

I suposse it's bait, but my first encounter I was surprised by it but it gets fair. At least is not Watcher Knights, that it's the only boss before Godmaster that made furious.

>Silksong when?
eary 2021

>At least is not Watcher Knights

It is. Devs realized that if they pandered to pampered petty pratty pansies it would compromise their vision for a solid enjoyable experience.

i just moved on and killed the brooding mawlek