Genshin Impact

How are you liking the CBT, fellow shill bros?

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It's a horrible grind once you reach adventure rank 29.
I get that there are missing quests, but the amount of adventure exp you get in the open world is just pathetic.

Chink Bux Trickle?

i hate not being able to play this
why the fuck is the cbt so long?

Just rolled Fischl last night. What a qt3.14

Cock & Ball Torture

i love it, but desu i just want to play the full game now bec im getting lucky with my pulls and im afraid i wont be when the actually launched, esp when i intended to play as a f2p just like all the games ive played on mobile

I can't believe I'm experiencing CBT without ever getting a key. FUCK MIHOYO

don't tell anyone but I'm willing to spend up to $30 on the game as from what I played in CBT2 that's what I would be willing to spend on it as a full game

You honestly wouldn't want to play the game at its current state.

I'm guessing you got a PS4 code

Any of you other niggers getting teleported from the waterfall treasure room to the northwest of Qingce Village?

There's a time limit on how long you can be on the red zone before you get teleported out.
I think it's a bug, but it was there since cbt2.

too bad its gacha shit so those 30 bucks will not be enough after a bit.

Fucking gay. Time to autistically sprint at the the treasure.

Yeah, but I've reached a point where the game becomes grind hell.

Not him, but $30 could mean a LOT of pulls with the monthly cards if you save correctly. Many guaranteeds for sure.

I played Honkai f2p for like 2 years and got nearly all the battlesuits, SS'd most (of the non-gacha-exclusive, obviously) and SSS'd a couple, I'll manage
I really dislike how Genshin's character rolling is structured, considering they're all characters that are introduced in the story/in side events eventually anyway. It feels like they should just become available at those points (although they're not *actually* with you, you always play as the MC who somehow just magically 'absorbs' everyone else's powers and switches between them for gameplay purposes) rather than getting them randomly from rolls

they are just taking the worst from fgo like the shit rates and "lol they don't REALLY join you"

I also played honkai but it was shit, the gameplay was better everywhere else, currently PSO2, the gacha shit ruined everything, the story was a mess and utterly pathetic.

Every fag that says something like playing X gacha and not spending are either ultra addicted losers that play everytime possible to maximize their f2p status, or casuals that barely play for the updates.

Also, wtf does honkai or genshin mean to those non chinks?

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I'm barely getting any characters. Only have welfare ones, Fischl, and the wolf shota. I just wanted the cute pirate, but I'll cope with it as a blessing since everything's getting wiped anyway.
Apparently they made it harder to hit AR 30 compared to CBT1/2. Didn't even know quests were missing, but yeah the grind is awful. Not that I expected anything less from gachashit.

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Too bad she's mediocre.
She needs a buff.

How is little ice cream shota? Pulled him earlier

I love all the welfare characters so much that it honestly doesn't bother me anyway, and they don't (at this point) seem to be gimped in power

Pretty fun when using his stand, and it the recharge on it seems relatively fast. Haven't used him much since I'm dumping leveling mats on other characters, but I wanna try him some more.

Ice cream shota is carrying me hard through harder content, especially the abyssal tower.

Yeah this slut is decimating everything and I love it. Still wish they'd be lenient with rolls since it's a beta and there's no carryover.

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There's free currency every day, but I guess they don't want to misrepresent the final product too much even for testing purposes.

Question: What if the SJWs get their hands on this concept?

Nuke the chinks, but at least they haven't bent the knee

Ehm... They won't? Why are you even thinking about that?

The concept of this game. Open world BOTW/Gacha thingy. What kind of PC stuff will they put in it?

Really hope the game has events.
There's barely enough primogems to make 2 or 3 single pulls a day once you reach around AR29.

Fair enough. The map's fucking huge too, even if in its limited state, so the 5 gems you get per chest adds up quicker than you'd expect.

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There definitely will be, and I'm going to guess they'll give out the requisite ton of first day, x-million download, server issues, etc currency early on. Just from how much effort they're putting into it I can't imagine they won't do a whole lot of events.

>pronouns are locked behind gacha
>attack helicopter is ultra rare

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A gacha games without events is unheard of, pretty much nobody would play it since it would be dead if it's just offline content.

At least this has co-op from the get-go and a shit ton of stuff to farm. Plus future regions and shit.