Which one and why?

Which one and why?

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Fable 2 is the best combination of Fable TLC and 3

Ok now answer my question schizo

Fable Anniversary has better graphics


Whichever one had the better sounding Jack of Blades


TLC is better but it's just a bunch of small shit that doesn't really matter

Tlc has more soul
Anniversary is soulless but has controller support

TLC has better visuals but no controller support. That's the only difference.

Some glitches too, the rolling menu shit was infuriating

is this a fucking joke

go back

how about fuck off

>can't properly answer question
>"g-go ba-baaack lol"
Your parents are right, you are a waste of space

I can't remember if the Fable games were even good.

Lost Chapters
Anniversary fucks with lighting and outright removes visual/spell effects. However both can suck a dick because they modified Jacks voice from quiet menacing in original fable to generic pitched down bad guy voice

The original on Xbox. The Lost Chapters recontextualizes a lot of the lore and themes of the game into something for the worse, and the humor is some of the laziest in the series. It's not bad enough to be worth skipping over, but the vanilla game is the better introduction to what the series was and should be.

Pre-TLC Fable has way more charm imo, it's incomplete and lacking, but way more mysterious. The theories at the time were wild.

Attached: file.png (300x425, 367.03K)

Project Ego is best Fable.

Attached: ego83.jpg (600x450, 90.54K)

so is Fable 2 good or what? why the fuck isn't it on PC?

It’s good, overall TLC is the best package. Both are better than the trash that is fable 3.
>Why is it not on pc
Fuck you that’s why.

More than likely thanks to lost source code.

The lost chapters is no question. Some game graphics style doesn't matter. Fable is not one of those games part if it's charm is tied to the way it looks for good or bad

Fable 2 was really neat at the time. Little details everywhere and looked amazing for console game. Probably didn't age great but I'd replay it

Anniversary runs/ran pretty shit compared to talc and the base game iirc. Maybe they get fixed it, but I don’t think they bothered

Seething tranny tourist.

It's mostly an improvement over Fable 1, yes. Main story was a bit meh, but it was alright, side quests and lore is were it shines. Combat was simplified and inferior but alright, and everything is largely superior to the shitshow that Fable 3 is.

Even more simplified compared to original Fable?
I didn't know this was possible.

Just forget Fable 3 existed. The idea of being a king and leading a revolution was a neat idea, as well evolving weapons, but it lacked many things to do, the final boss was a joke, Reaver once again getting away with everything evil he did and not getting killed like he deserves, the Crawler being heavily underutilized, pretty much having to buy every single house in the game in order to even raise the amount of gold needed for the end game

Fable 2's canon ending will always be bringing your sister back to life, because it pretty much implies she's with Scythe and is being trained by him. Pretty much she becomes the next Theresa

Anniversary graphics are post-processed to shit

>pretty much having to buy every single house in the game in order to even raise the amount of gold needed for the end game
Not to mention having to collect rent manually by hovering the map and pressing X over every single house in every single city.