I am real dumb

I am real dumb.

Will puzzle games make me feel smart?

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No they'll just make you feel even more stupid as you look up the answers.

This game will make you feel smart but the sequel will make you feel retarded again

Myst won't help. Most of the puzzles are bullshit you need a guide for especially the music puzzles

Devs in the 90s really had a lot of imagination to come up with stuff like that.

ive got bad news user

Try something more along the lines of a logic puzzle instead of some obscure point and click BS. Something you could complete with time and evidence-based reasoning without having to make a single guess (i.e. read the mind of the developer). I might recommend the Hexcells series.

Your parents already know you're gay

Yeah, like Tim2

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Just do real puzzles, Video Game puzzles are always incredibly simple.

The fact that Myst is seen as some sort of pinnacle of puzzle games is not a good sign for the medium.

im bi and my parents are dead

im 99% sure youre retarded but please post what you consider to be a real puzzle just incase

Do zoomers fucking REALLY?

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did I say that?

>27 year old game
>6.4 million lifetime sales, mostly in the 90's
>hurr durr y u no know old game?

Fuck off, retard

It had the right idea of putting them into context of world building. The subgenre seems stagnant without any major improvements. Talos Principle really improved on the journey aspect but the puzzle design was arguably worse.

I just likedthem for the walking sims they're supposed to be where you can enjoy the art. That was really the main appeal of Myst and Riven back when they were relevant. URU is really good in that regard because it takes it to the extreme, and it's only a slim fraction of what was intended as an MMO.

Yeah and citizen kane is also just an obscure movie. Wow you expect people to know it?

If you want bullshit puzzles, beat Myst 4 without a guide. Even the guide is useless on the last stretch because the final few puzzles are practically luck based RNG. That was broken bullshit.

Outer Wilds is easier and better

Most people you talk to haven't heard of Citizen Kane, actually.

That's bullshit because I don't like movies, I don't watch movies, and I have no interest in knowing about movies, but I know citizen kane. Also Doom came out the same year as Myst, and I'd laugh at someone who claims to like video games but doesn't know Doom too.

You should talk to more cultured people dude

Myst is pretty well known dude. There was even a garbage parody game with John Goodman

Narrowing the sample size doesn't change the statistics of the total pool.
You post on Zig Forums, so you're much more in touch with hobbyist subcultures like film, even though you aren't actually involved in them yourself. 7 or 8 years ago when I was working at my first job I had to explain to a girl the concept of PC gaming, she thought everything was just done on consoles, and the only PC games were stuff like Roller Coaster Tycoon and other out-of-the-box stuff from the decade prior.
Normalfags don't know jack about shit.

>not logical
I didn't know underage were this retarded

Did Myst contribute to the world adopting CD-R as standard storage until DVD?

There was casette tape and floppy disc, then CD-R, then something else and GD-R, and just as quickly DVD came onto market and dominated until bluray.

Nigga if my 12 year old self could figure out the whole game without guides, and you can't, you've got problems.

I remember RAMA, had some really good music and atmosphere.

How is Cyan's new game, anons? Is it a good starting point or should I marathon the games starting from Myst?

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>some of the best atmosphere on any game series ever
>they aren't replayable because they're puzzle games

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It's okay. More of the same, but it's very apparent it was done on a minimum budget (and it was).
They had more planned for it but couldn't get the extra funding beyond base and then some for EFIGS languages and VR.

It is NOT HDD friendly. I don't know it'll be on sshd but I do know load times are nearly inatant on ssd; if you run it on a hard drive, load times are like 5-10 minutes.

It's good, doesn't matter if you play it first or not since myst series is so old

I loved it

Bros how do I play Myst as it was intended? I've heard the remakes ruin the atmosphere / aesthetics. I want to experience the game as it was at release.

you have autism if you can finish myst at 12