Zig Forums says it's bad

>Zig Forums says it's bad
>play it
>it's worse than expected
name it

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I’ve never taken the opinion of anyone on this site seriously


Old Doom games

wind waker

Any sonic game

Whatever gets me the most (you)'s

mount and blades

deus ex


Any resident evil game.

EYE divine cybermancy

Devil May Cry 2

Pokemon Omega Ruby.

I hate third gen but 3D graphics make it feel dead and extremely tiny and make me long for Ruby Version.

I even purchased a 3DS to play it, what a let down.
Now I just use my 3DS for SNES/GBA games.

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Dragons Dogma

turn based games in general

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never trust /vp/ crossposters

Pokemon Sword.
I thought Zig Forums was exagerating, but oh boy... holy fuck it is a shitty game. I'm glad I didn't pay full price for it.

Nice pic, ready to an hero after saying shit ?

gta 4

Shadowrun Returns.
people said to skip it but I thought it would be fine.
Its so fucking boring, I couldnt play for more than a few hours. Its kind of put me off of playing dragonfall since I disliked Returns so much but I think i'll get around to it one day.

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This, I guess I could only play and "enjoy" it to some extent because I've heard lots of friends telling me this game is absolute garbage, so I went in with literally zero expectations

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quake champions

>devil may cry 5 has a story overview for people who didn't play the other games
>spends about 2-3 minutes summarizing each game
>except DMC 2, they just gloss over that shit with one sentence
even the people who made it didn't think it was good

>remake looks more soulless then a game that already looked soulless

Zig Forums is always sucking his janky dick though

Drakengard 1

Xenoblade 2

It would honestly just be janky but fine if it didn't have the dragon shoot em up sections. I've genuinely never been so frustrated with bad controls since Superman 64.

No Man's Sky at launch. I don't give a shit if it's good now or whatever, the first impression was so awful I don't think I could enjoy it even if I was paid too.

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The Order

Joe Muhma

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Zig Forums proving once again that they hate video games and have shit taste