I had a lot of fun with P4G. Is this good to fill the void, or is it shit? Looks like a Persona knock off to me, desu

I had a lot of fun with P4G. Is this good to fill the void, or is it shit? Looks like a Persona knock off to me, desu.

Attached: trails_of_cold_steel_banner.png (1600x900, 2.58M)

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>persona was the first game to have a school student setting
It's nothing like persona aside from being text heavy and having pretty well written characters and turn based combat.

Taking into consideration that P3 and P4 came way earlier than Cold Steel, I think it's a valid comparison.

Honestly? Fuck no. The first three in the ones we have here in America (so no Crossbell unless you want to dick around with the fan translation), TiTS, fucking sucks.
It's slow as fuck and dripples out uninteresting bullshit about the world that doesn't enhance the game experience at all. It's not a slow burn, or world building, or any bullshit that fans will try to sell you; it's just slow. Xenogears paints a MUCH better picture of the world and the history of things through dialogue and inference at a much better pace, or Skies of Arcadia for that matter, too.

The second game is still retarded, with the villains constantly getting away from you incompetent ass Bracers, who should probably all be janitors somewhere because they fucking suck at their job. You get to revisit all of the same places you just went to in the first, and while the plot picks up, it's still slow and awful and full of tropes but ham'd up to 11.

The 3rd... why was this made? Why?

Then you get to Trails of Cold Steel, and they toss all that previous shit out of the window, serve up generic anime shit with a Gary Stu that makes Kirito blush, and it somehow manages to be even worse than the first trilogy.

tl;dr - Kiseki sucks. Play Ys if you want something good by this company, or emulate some old Metatens to keep the Persona flavor. I just wrapped up SMT4A, and it was a worthy sequel to 4. Give Nocturne or Devil Survivor a shot.

It's way better than Persona on every single aspect.
Go ahead, OP.

>pretty well written characters

>Trails of Haha
>It's way better than Persona on every single aspect

Attached: lelf.jpg (512x512, 127.73K)

you forgot how you go from adventurers for hire in a fantasy land to fucking Japanese High School with a little fantasy mixed in.

if you liked persona, you'll like that piece of garbage.

Aside for the fact the the entire basis for persona and smt games in general is monster catching and training.

Cold Steel would be better if you could kill all of your friends.

Attached: dadga.png (1000x1584, 698.14K)

>All these Hahaters

>playing an already questionable game with dubs
it's like you people enjoy torment

>hating the 3rd

play The Last Story

>TiTS, fucking sucks
do you prefer cocks?

no but I have a strong inkling Rean and his fans do

Start with TitS. It's slow, but the build up over the first three games are worth it: 3rd's story is one of the better that I have seen in vidya as it acts as an epilogue.
Geofront's improvements makes Crossbell worth it and you can tell they gave a damn, sans the chests which are meme central.

If you managed to suffer through P4, Cold Steel will be a breath of fresh air. Enjoy.

Rean isn't a gary stu
gets beaten by crow in cs1, manipulated by osborne in cs2 and 3. if you think about it, rean was just being used for all of cold steel. he's also pretty weak without his ogre power
but I do think that the school settings of CS are boring and generic

this post came from Bizzaro Earth

Trails of Cold Steel is the third part in an interconnected 9 game-spanning story. On the surface it looks more like Persona, but given full context it's much more like a mixture of Xenogears and Suikoden with sprinkles of Persona on the surface.
Not that I'd actually consider it on the same level of quality of either Xenoogears or Suikoden, but that's the kind of story it aims to be.

Attached: trails of cold steel fie.jpg (2834x3778, 2.12M)

Just emulate p3p instead, unless this is just a stealth trails thread in which case carry on ~

Attached: 1251302-p3p.jpg (1024x768, 332.49K)

Suikoden was godly but I refuse to believe any more of them came out after 2.

>but given full context it's much more like a mixture of Xenogears and Suikoden

Attached: trails of xenogears.jpg (1885x1302, 386.31K)

Based but I don't see how that's a good recommendation close to persona

First game is fantasy persona until the last few hours and then the rest of the games are a wild ride

Attached: fiyf1yh8jhs01.jpg (648x900, 81.43K)

Ye, 90% of cold steel 1 is a slog but holy shit those last hours. Would be nice to play a Falcom game without a blueballing ending once in a while tho

How the translation if this game btw? Is it as terrible as 95% Japanese games? Burgerized to the core?

its way better than any persona game

All dubfags are subhumans

Every single character in the game is only there to jerk off the MC. I say this as someone who played 1-3 and didn't hate them but the Rean-centric writing gets tiresome.

Based Dagda

this is the biggest problem with trails games. the only good parts are at the end everything else is mostly filler

i miss cold steel 1, everything was simpler, now we got multiple organization with hidden agendas, magic shit everywhere, everyone is super powerful and holding back, etc

It's xseed, so it's a trash for sure.

Coldsteel is shit but P4G is even worse so you will probably like it. Any Coldsteel named NPC has more depth than any of the P4 main cast.

Lol Xenogears get shit on by any Kiseki game. Xenogears is trash with most characters talking like robot and the party being full of useless characters, the only important ones being Citan Fei and Elly.

>Lol Xenogears get shit on by any Kiseki game
only on Zig Forums can you read statements that almost floor you with their sheer stupidity and have even that surpassed exponentially mere minutes later

I generally assume that's why so many "people" defend this series.

>unfinished plot-driven game with absolutely horrid translation is bad

I don't see the issue

idk man, i just recommended it based on my experience. after i played p4 back in 2011 i was searching for more jrpgs and luckily The Last story just came out and after that ive been on a jrpg binge

The first 10 hours of Xenogears has more soul and wit than all of the Kiseki series combined. This is why people still talk about it 22 years later and will continue to talk about it, while in 22 years nobody will remember Trails of High School.
Fuck, even Ys will outlive this trash series.