Fuck this piece of shit game
-janky as hell
-shitty framerate
-racist jokes
-deadnaming of trans characters

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>not a deal breaker

>some of my fav games are really janky

>-shitty framerate
>-racist jokes
>-deadnaming of trans characters

I'd be upset if it wasn't janky and ran like shit

did you even play the original OP?

Just preordered
Thanks user

>Shitty framerate
Oh yeah I'm buying

>Jim Sterling
literal cuck dont listen whatever this guy has to say

>Like the first one
>Like the first one
>very based
>I will now buy your game

stop linking ur videos here u fat fuck

Retarded "anti"-shill. Die.

>Jank is better than AAA half the time
>Yes it's deadly premonition
I can't wait bros

somehow the graphics are worse than the original

you mean it gained soul?

>Actually listening to this hamplanet cuck.

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>Spongebob had bad score
>DP 2 also have bad scores
>TLOU 2 got 10/10 everywhere
I think i’m seeing a pattern here

>-racist jokes
i will now buy your game

>-janky as hell
not an issue here
>-shitty framerate
Still playable
>-racist jokes
>-deadnaming of trans characters
nice and fuck this snowflake invention

isn't that the point?

lmao do York really speaks in ebonics for shit and giggles?

The only proper complaint there is the framerate issue

>-deadnaming of trans characters
same happened in the first game and the tranny from the first one when died also appeared with the others ladies thatbgot killed, kinda implying that she was as valid as the others women, trannies should be clapping for this but i guess they don’t care about DP.

All of those games are awful, TLoU 2 is the least awful though.

I cannot wait for the Resetera thread "The transphobics crimes of Goichi Suda"

Only downside is the framerate. Sounds like another masterpiece


GOTY confirmed

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I play on console. I was born in the bad framerates, molded by it; I didn't see 60fps until I was a man, and by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING.

it looks like pukevomit

>game actually goes on a rant about poor treatment of trannies
SWERY went full retard i see

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Nice reverse psychollgy shilling my man

He literally made an adventure game where you play as a suicidal trans woman in a coma working through her issues and coming to terms with her trauma like three years ago, and the ending had her more confident and hopeful while still trans.

He's been an SJW for years now. One of us.


Games Journalits are not worthy of your trust
When they praise games like The Last of Us
So says mr. Stewart


Jesus Christ Sterling, that faggot has like 3 INT and 1 Charisma... where did he spent all his points ?

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>"5 out of 10, in the coffee!"
>"You know what that means Zach"
>"We've got a MASTERPIECE in our hands!"

Explain to me why all trannies shouldn’t be treated like shit & shamed for being subhuman

I'm genuinely worried they just got lazy with the framerate and shitty missions stuff, but I still think Swery will pull off another masterpiece in the main story, and that's all I ask

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