Deadly Premonition 2 is problematic with its representation

Reviews have dropped, and it's not sounding good.

>>“Keeping things as vague as possible, the game’s treatment of a trans character is genuinely upsetting and runs through a string of problematic tropes and trigger points. To say this game retreads the mistakes of the first on this front would be an understatement and it’s an experience breaking story beat that throws the rest of the game off completely.”

>Deadly Premonition 2 also includes a prominent transgender character, a point which I don't consider to be a spoiler as treating the nature of a person's gender identity as a secret to be uncovered is, in itself, an easy way for a story to veer into transphobic territory. This character's backstory does prove intertwined with Deadly Premonition 2's arc, and others (including York) use the character's abandoned birth name and pronouns at times along the way.

Ugh. Games like The Missing got it so right with representation only for this one to fall flat.

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the usual suspects are on the wrong side of history once again. baka japan

represent my dick!

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Pretty bizarre to focus entirely on this aspect of the game but it shows what the reviewers are into. Japanese games tend to oversexualize transgender characters. Been this way since the dawn of time.

Because Japan need to get with the times.

Based devs. I'm so excited for more campy York adventures

sounds like another BASED classic, can't wait

based and sounds like another BASED classic, can't wait pilled

When will Japan finally understand modern times and make a black demisexual trangender quadriplegic indie rockstar with socialist values as the protagonist of one of their games?

Fuck swery. Fuck Japan. It's 20 fucking 20 and this shit is not acceptable.


Is the first game any good or is it another hipster cult classic that's actually shit?

It has charismatic characters and world

Is this a "they're transgendered even though they're just a transvestite" shit? God I gaming reviewers so fucking much.

It's a shit game but you'll definitely get a very good time after playing the gamr


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Its both good and shit at the same time

In 20 years we will be reading this same thing about pedos
mark my words

its The Room, videogame version with a twin peaks plot. If u think a game that will make u constantly think if they made it bad on purpose or by accident might be an enjoyable little session, than ur in for a good time

otherwise steer away from this game

The biggest sin is the bad framerate.

What's the difference?

When I'm posting on Zig Forums, am I interacting with the intellectually disabled?

>York the retarded tranny supporter accidentally dabs all over trannies and retards due to his autism
The type of poetic justice I have come to expect from its mastermind creator

Transgender are crazy people who want to chop off their dick and force children to do the same. Transvestites just want to wear frilly clothes.

Genuine question: Why do videogames even bother including trans characters and the like? You're basically inviting criticism unless you get it absolutely 'perfect' and inoffensive. Why not just, like, not include them at all? Why is it that in the last few years it's almost mandatory for games to have some sort of trans character?

This reviewer must've missed the first game where the homicidal man dressed in drag fell face-first on a meat hook.

It's not the fucking room you pleb
It's twin peaks

There's a difference between so bad its good and so good you can ignore the shot. DP is the latter.

This is satire, right?

BASED posts

Except the writing is terrible in DP and seems completely soulless in 2

Yes. But not as much as Zig Forums.

Game looks like kino

This is how shilling works on Zig Forums. Just tell the retards that sjws hate it and the rubes line up

I would pay good money for a game to represent a trans character as Chris Chan

>future deadly premonition discussion will be mired in tranny shitflinging
everything truly sucks

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and that's a bad thing.

Ah I see you never played it.

After The Missing this is such a huge disappointment.

Swery isn't transphobic, he's just ignorant on a lot of issues. I mean he made The Missing, that makes it pretty obvious he's at least heavily sympathetic towards trans people
this. i just wanna play vidya for God's sake

>Trying to keep away DP fans with low review scores
Didn't the original release get a 2 from IGN?

Cry more SJW fucktard loser. The 41% will only get higher!

>uhm, problematic trans characters much???
How to tell a journo has not played J.J. Macfield.

he made an entire game about a tranny before this, how bad could it be ?

muh ignorance. Go back to tumblr you faggot.

>Nintendo paid tons of money to have a janky game full of bugs and have shit graphics as exclusive

Until they tried and failed to do damage control some time later.

an autistic manchild rambling over 80's B tier movies on a car sliding through a barely textured surface that has the physics of an ice ring while soundsbytes occasionally spike and the UI glitches and background elements pop in and out like an early-access steam game is definitely The Room levels of so bad its good, I dont understand why people acted like its an unironic masterpiece. The glaring flaws are what make the interesting, whats so wrong about that?

It’s surprising that these people tend to band together and give a game similar scores whether good or bad. I wonder if there’s a pact between them

Grow up

I'll wait for the Christ Centered Gamer review. At least I know that'll be a fair evaluation of the game rather than one where someone's butthurt causes them to unfairly dock points from it.

Transvestite: "I am aware I am a man/woman, but dressing as the opposite turns me on/is funny/something I just enjoy."
Transexual: "I am the wrong sex and it makes me suicidal, I need medication, therapy, and possibly even surgery to function."

The big meme push for it has lead to a lot of the former being grouped as the latter and being corralled into expensive treatment. It's fucked up.

Based SWERY.

This game is gonna be in low print just like the first one, don't hesitate to buy it if you see it in physical format, otherwise face the consequences of paying more for it in no less than a year or two, or having to get it digital.

Why can trans characters only ever be shown in a 100% positive light according to reviews?

>Games like The Missing got it so right with representation only for this one to fall flat.
I know for a fact that you know SWERY directed that game too. Fuck game journalists.

Is J.J in this game?

fuck off with your western imperialism, you libcuck pozzed faggot.

It's not great but you won't change people's mentality overnight.

The characters are some of the best in video game history. They are legitimately insanely charming, some in wacky ways, some in more impactful emotional ways like Thomas. I get you probably just skipped around on the best friends play or whatever and you didn't actually experience it, but the characters and story absolutely sell the game 100%. It is a masterpiece in spite of the low budget, much like the original twin peaks.

>The writing is terrible
DP is one of those "haha I tricked you" games that reveals its hand near the last chunk. It's weird and I don't know why he did it.

shut up nigger

Because its an homage to Twin Peaks and that was the direction TP went.

Except Twin Peaks was actually a good show. Most of DP is "wow this is just shit even if it's charming" only for the game to go "PSYCHE, we DO know how to write!!!"

>game fucks over tranniggers
Good, based, I will buy your game

>nips BTFOing trannies yet again

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>supporting a dev that made tranny propaganda

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I get that SWERY's humanitarian about individuality, but it's still pretty cringe that he would be so explicit about it. Shit like that should be left to subtext and overall theming so you don't get lambasted by Twitter trannies.