Things that make you go "I will now play this character"

>things that make you go "I will now play this character"

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Well, what is it?

Diamond Dust is a sick move and there needs to be more female grapplers in fighting games. They usually lend themselves better to the more acrobatic types of wreslting moves like hurricuranas and shit.

Getting tired of the big lads that just do powerbombs.

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Plus frames on close range specials
Projectile invuln command dash
But to begin with the game actually having active defensive mechanics is a necessity to get me to play it in the first place.

>Looks cool
>Fun moveset

Attached: Iori.gif (179x242, 153.69K)

Yes but your pic is missing the most important one

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>visually distinct from everyone else in the game with her rubberhose cartoon aesthetic
>zoner so i can keep people off of me and only get in close if i really want to
I'm sold.

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>he thinks Iori looks cool

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I would fill Shermie with my spermie.

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I miss flameless Iori.

>has an additional meter/resource I need to manage on top of everything else
>can power up your special moves for mega dick damange and enhanced properties

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Claw Iori never again. Not even as an EX version.

Nigga, it's Skullgirls.
You only have two male choices and before they got in you didn't even have that, the whole cast was female.

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>tfw it took you a couple of months (and porn on discord) to realize this character was a girl and not a boy

I'm sorry Zig Forums, I'm retarded

Aesthetics and looks is the only thing i really care about, if the character sucks i make him work.

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Picking girls for every fighting game is a crutch for my milquetoast personality, and lets people identify me as "that guy who keeps playing as girls" rather than not notice me at all.
also girls are fun to play as and usually the best option for rushdowns if you aren't playing Guilty Gear

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>Fightan game has a shitload of characters that you like to use

Name me one better feel. You can't.

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Feels bad man. I hope 15 will be as good as 13 and bring use Claw Iori as an EX.

Kek i only encounter this issue in KOF too.

>gigantic son of a bitch
>super armor for days
>a command grab that's either brutal looking or a wrestling move
>lacks basic movement mechanics as an excuse to make them hit harder
If you have two of these traits I'll look at you, if you have all four you're my immediate main. Sadly this means I rarely main cute girls.

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5 Kyos was unmatched for years, then we got 8 Gokus

Iori is cool.

>Salty as fuck when I found out K9999 was being replaced
>They replace him with an edgy chuuni Kyo clone with a K' white hair streak, a Kula in his glove who was made in a lab on Mars as the 9999th clone and tortured, and now is a troubled man who is forced to work for NESTS and he also has a giga drill breaker
I've never changed my mind from anger to joy so quickly. His theme is a fucking banger too. I loved the NESTS saga aesthetic.

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>5 Kyos
I count 7 Kyos.

His theme is gay but the gacha made it better at least.

>>things that make you go "I will now play this character"

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Why are all the NESTS themes in AS so fucking good?

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Ash Crimson cuz cute and sexy

I hope you aren't implying T7 Hwoarang isn't good

Kyo, Kyo-1, Kyo-2, Kusanagi, Shingo

>plays like Faust
>looks like mlp

Chose her and never looked back

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Short haired or tomboyish women.
looks cool
and moveset looks cool and has impact
also K' is my main till this day after i played him on 98

>Counting as a Kyo
t. Shingo Yabuki
Flames never ever

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The eyelashes and dress didn't give it away?
I mean, I know the "peacock" is the name for them male peafowl, but still.

Genuine supportive role that has tools beyond 'heal', like laying down shields or buffing allies and debuffing enemies. Kinda like the Officer from Battflefront 2.

>Character is light hearted and silly
Makes smashing sweaties so much fun, and the edgelords far saltier when they get shit on with a funny man

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Good question, Clone Zero in particular had a great remix.
Shame he's underpowered in this game.

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Paps is fucking broken Mane6 pls buff Ari

I always pick the character based on the gameplay and I usually don't care about how they look like or personality. A character who has a strong pressure and mixup game is my fucking jam, I love taking the momentum and running my opponent over with it.

>Character exists solely to ensure your opponent has absolutely no fun while playing the game, win or lose

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