The dream sequence

>The dream sequence


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Other urls found in this thread:

Are you a liberal pseudo intellectual who believes he’s a free thinker?

Do you have an iq of 103 but think you’re a genius?

Do you claim to love art but actually love the destruction of it?

Do you think drug use opens your mind and makes you a deeper more spiritual person?

Do you like the idea of playing a real rpg but are too lazy and too stupid to read anything but Twitter tier dialogue?

Do you browse twitter reddit and tumblr daily?


Then you’ll absolutely love this pathetic excuse of a “game”

funny, everything is true for me, but i'm 140 confirmed at mensa and never brows reddit or twitter.

Is this new pasta?

I don't think anyone or under 25 could really understand that scene properly.

If you ever needed further confirmation how based this game is, the growing number of seething copypastas really sells it

I just wish we could talk about it

Are you a reactionary incel? You might hate this game.

>user expresses genuine criticism of the game
>haha nice seethe copypasta. you actually took the time to write this? cope, incel!
How much are you guys getting paid for this?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the dream sequence. That sequence is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the metaphors will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Harry’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this sequence, to realize that they're not just profound- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Disco Elysium truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the abject horror of Harry’s existential dread, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as ZA/UM’s genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a disco Elysium tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>words nobody said
>personal attacks is new criticism of the game
this is your brain on retard juice.

Not a single critique in there, you don't even get a (you).

"Every school of thought and government has failed in this city -- but I love it nonetheless. It belongs to me as much as it belongs to you."

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Imagine being this bamboozled

>The phone scene


Uhh... hey guys, user here. I just thought I’d let you guys know that this guy right here purposefully didn’t give A (you).

Now I’m not one to start trouble, after all you know me. But I really don’t think we should condone such vile and pathetic disrespect to other members of this wonderful forum. Please, in the future, don’t be such a pathetic seething redditer.


>Didn't even give a (you)
>Get a (you) in return
I just stay winning.

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>Is this new pasta?
>the growing number of copypastas really sells it
>Are you a reactionary incel?

Is that better for you?
>personal attacks
Grow some balls, dude. He clearly explained that the game is full of itself and has shit dialog. Those are genuine criticisms.

One day I will return to your side.

holy fuck obliterated

rake em in champ

>Do you browse twitter reddit and tumblr daily?
>he reddit spaces
free rent

>and has shit dialog
this is an opinion, not an objective fact substantiated by anything. Arguing over this opinion will just devolve into a game of 'fuck you I liked it', 'fuck you I disliked it'

I for one, thought the dialogue was great.

objective facts are just a way for the man to keep you down MAAAAAAAAAAN

I legit know nothing about the game, but I have it on my wishlist. Can someone that's not trolling tell me if what this guy says is true?

It's a pasta. One or two autists on Zig Forums hate the game for very superficial reasons.
Watch, he'll post the one with the car picture next.

>this is an opinion, not an objective fact substantiated by anything. Arguing over this opinion will just devolve into a game of 'fuck you I liked it', 'fuck you I disliked it'. I for one, thought the dialogue was great.

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Insulting people who like a thing is not a criticism of that thing, it's just insults. I'm not shitting my pants in rage about it but come on, it's not criticism.

i've played disco elysium, most ace attorney games, la noire, condemned criminal origins, deadly premonition, danganronpa series, dex, contradiction!, her story, most wadget eye games, and i have the vanishing of ethan carter, most sherlock games, hotel dusk, ghost trick, detective grimoire and some nancy drew games in my library but on the backburner. what are some other detective games worth playing?

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this isn't me, I couldn't care less whether I got a (You)
infact I'll give this user a bunch of (You)s because I love him and don't want him to be mad at me
>I for one, thought the dialog was great.
How is that any different from saying the dialog is shit? What did you like about the dialog?
I personally haven't played the game but I'd like to know how it is. There seems to be a lot of criticism around its glaring pseudointellectuality and those criticisms are only rebuttled by calling them incels.

Damn your shill driver is workin you little doggies to the bone. Quickest shill action I’ve ever seen. Had the link ready and everything! You should ask for a shill promotion A.S.A.P

spot on

Seethe and cope, autist

Click and clack, shilly

What he says doesn’t matter, it’s the most original game made in the last 10 years.

What if the answer is no to all of those but I still liked the game

I'm shilling, shlomo. I'm shilling to my hearts content, and there's nothing you can do about it...

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No user. It's well thought and genuine opinion that you should respect.

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>Do you claim to love art but actually love the destruction of it?

I'll bite. How does it advocate the destruction of art?

I have none, but damn your taste is good.

Based taste. If you’re willing to endure a bit of jankiness try Under a Killing Moon.

>Do you have an iq of 103 but think you’re a genius?

unironically yes

I say go for Ghost Trick first on your backlog, and not necessarily detective but the Zero Escape series are pretty good too, they slowly gets worse but still worth playing.

Autism speaks

>Are you a liberal pseudo intellectual who believes he’s a free thinker?