About to start pic related

Any tips?

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Stay away from Yumi (she's mine)

adachi is the killer

Sure thing :^)

It takes 2 hours to get to gameplay so get comfy something to drink

play on very hard, the game is way too easy otherwise.

I already knew that

play on easiest difficulty, game is too tedious otherwise

Play something else.
Persona 4 is a Japanese highschooler social simulator with some barebones dungeon crawling attached to it.

>t. the only person in the world who wants her
keep your trash nigger
rotate the shit out of your saves. Just in case you miss something super important you can always go back do it then skip back up to where you were

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Make up your mind already.

play on normal difficulty, game is too easy or too hard otherwise

Buy TaP soda.

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>chugging Tap and Dr Neo and finishing a dungeon in a single run
imagine having to enter the tv more than once

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Bonds of people is the true power.

gas station dude is the mastermind

Man, I just got of Billy Herrington's dungeon and it took me 3 real life days to become Boss of the Gym. So much grinding, holy fuck.

Can't wait to do it again next dungeon. God bless Very Hard.

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Don’t fuck Teddie even if you’re tempted to.

Why would I diddle the bear?

*out of

I already knew that too.

Entering a special relationship with Naoto is the only way to get all of the costumes.

Shameless self-bump.

Do i dump Rise or Marie in valentines day


Cheese each dungeon within one entry by grinding and returning to lower levels for recovery card rewards and chest items

You don't have to dump Marie
Her Valentine's event is different from the other girls.

Christmas in Inaba starts on the 23rd. Finish the dungeon on the 22nd.

something something adachi something k*ller

Look up Adachi's social link schedule, you just gotta get him to rank 6 but best to do it early. Also you gotta get Aeon to rank 10 before you clear the December dungeon for the full game so that's why it's available about every day from December 8th to 25th but best to get some points in prior.

Buy as many Magatama as you can as often as you can and abuse them to kill golden hands whenever you encounter one. This way you will never have to grind