Hey Zig Forums how do you feel about the fact that some of the content in a game you bought can just dissapear one day...

Hey Zig Forums how do you feel about the fact that some of the content in a game you bought can just dissapear one day and theres nothing you can do about it

Attached: OK.jpg (1920x1083, 169.29K)

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Why does it matter? It'll all be dust one day anyway.

How do you feel putting so much stock into material goods. We all die. Some faster then others. Content dies too.

didn't retards on this website pretty much memed the OK gesture as a nazi gesture
you just got what you wanted

multi-billion dollar company = 0
Zig Forums = 1


oh no the ok hand gesture was the most important part of my cod mw experience what will i ever do its literally unplayable now

This is where games as a service brings us. If I want to play Dead Rising 1 a game from 2006, I can go play it right now. You can partly blame retard corporate cocksuckers for this as well. They will bend over backwards to defend a shitty anti-consumer practice and it allows gaming companies to push it this far. It's just as TotalBiscuit predicted, you give them an inch they will take a mile. Well done zoomers, you've created a shitty gaming industry, enjoy what you created.

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pity the joke went over too many people's heads and actual nazis started using it unironically so it actually became a nazi gesture

>so it actually became
It's still widely understood to be the ok signal, stop getting your worldview from American media conglomerates owned by corporations.

is this only in america? will i get shot if i do the OK sign ironically?

well I live on the other side of the world and the news here showed ameriKKKan "nazis" (lmao) doing that gesture

Pretty depressing, desu.

living proof that Zig Forums, Zig Forums imp-articular is winning
fuck niggers

Games as a service was a mistake, so is the (((ADL))).

>buying unmoddable games

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you can only buy indie games then

But user, my games are moddable. You DID purchased my games, do you?

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That's what happens when faggots unanimously accept 'games as a service' shit.

>hahah yeah we're all pretending to be nazis as a joke
>right guys?
>wait a second..

still an anglo country? ig

that didn't happen.

>skyrim is 9 years old already

waiting for your next game todd

by that logic nothing matters at all. what a retarded way to live your life

aaa games are shit unless they're old so no biggie

Zig Forums in a nutshell


dangerously based

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To be fair if you ever bought a game with always online DRM your technically saying its ok that in X number of years the game will become unplayable when the servers go down. Dont forget online stores on consoles as well. All those wii shop and psn store games will be gone forever as well. Could even happen to steam one day.

Fallout 76 isn't moddable.

Attached: just_buy_the_fucking_games.jpg (1280x1273, 101.91K)

How is it that the media gets dabbed on so frequently for being retarded yet they never own up to it?

Why would you merely pretend to be a nazi?
Hitler was fucking right and the modern liberal world is a sickening joke. I unironically believe that the world would have been a better place had Germany won WW2 and no amount of libshit propaganda will change my mind.

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don't buy always online games in the first place

>it'll all be dust
You're thinking of Counter-Strike. OP's pic is from Call of Duty, so the word you're looking for is rust.

>will i get shot if i do the OK sign ironically?

Only if you are black and attack a cop while high on meth.

Lmao who cares. This is my response to most things though.

>the news here showed
based sheep

>when your retarded Zig Forums gayop backfires and gets people fired, media content censored

What, if anything, it succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of Zig Forumsacks.

Grow up, retard. Life sucks and then you die.

I unironically remember the threads on 8ch where they were trying to make the ok hand a symbol of white supremacy. Lmao. Clown world.

no u

>oh no, someone online wants a sex change, how will i ever recover

>sex change
until we can body swap, you can't sex change. it's just playing along with ones delusions. thats the truth

because i'm an american and nazis are quite literally the enemy of my country

Do trannies live in your head or something? I made no mention of those degenerate freaks in my post.

CoD Is not a videogame, it's a piece for filth.

>everything in this thread

They only were able to appropriate the symbol because you let them by going hysterical about it. Hitler ate sugar. It doesn't make everyone who eats sugar a nazi unless you start calling them nazis.


its ALL going to disappear one day lmao


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don't really care if already played and finished it

They have no reason to. The media always wins