>you form multiple parties to fight the final boss

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fuck noa

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>everyone is ridiculously underleveled except the ones you use

>show has top tier lolis
>because of the premise all the hentai is just futashit or yurishit

How do you make these "line" effects in photoshop?

google "cartoon zoom lines template"

>non-stealth game
>has stealth segments

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>Has little to no RPG mechanics.

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>it's really effective against armored vehicles

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>party consists of fighter, ninja, and NEETmage
Can't they do something more interesting?

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>you join the other yourselves from other dimensions to fight the final boss
it's not real but it would be cool

When Miitopia did this I had to split my main party of four so the two side parties would have one actual DPS and three randos. My main party had myself and my best DPS along with two support to keep us alive. Really cool idea but the execution could have been better.

Attached: miitopia final boss.jpg (400x240, 132.83K)

>tags: loli, yuri, age gap, breast feeding, corruption

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>you can add the main villain to your party

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My quadropath travellers got their shit pushed in. Terrible design to have a tedious boss gauntlet to do all over again if you fail.

>Has an autistic fixation on items as a central mechanic

Dept. Heaven was a weird series but I'm still sad to see it die. Have also been getting into Atelier recently (starting with Rorona) and all the item crafting is actually pretty fun even though everything else about it is unremarkable.

>you form multiple parties for a low level dungeon

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>top tier lolis and girls
>but it's all yuritrash
I hate this trope so fucking much!

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What do smash players and Loli fans have in common?

They both wanna fuck under aged kids

>you can add the final boss to your party

I don't see the problem.

What did capcom mean by this?

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>king asks you to kill the demon lord
>recruit the king to your party

what anime?
is it good?

It's about highschool girls being recruited to go into a magic dungeon, expect your fav character to die, and the rest too, its psycho horr

Futashit is fine but god i hate yuritrash

>Let expanse contract, eon become instant.
>Champions from beyond the rift, HEED MY CALL.

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Why does Mya-nee want to bang Hana when she could get NOA'd?

Cute and Camisole-pilled

She hasn't awakened to the glory of blonde loli

The breastfeeding one was excellent

I wish I could.

Wataten. It's about Mash cooking stuff for lolis.

>>everyone is ridiculously underleveled except the ones you use
Fucking Trails of Cold Steel 2 man.

People who think loli and real kiddie diddling are the same are real kiddie diddlers. It has been proven so many times, so you should just shut up if you don't want to get jailed, faggot.