Skill description is useless

>skill description is useless

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Enervate means to drain something, so you tell me what you think this slutty demon is doing.

It means to get on somebody's nerves.

look at the status ailment menu? enervate cut stats by 50%

How do you manage to pick a counterexemple when so many games actually do this?

Read a fucking manual you cocksucking retard.

Status ailments are useless so its only natural the description is too

>Skill A: 'Deals med. Phys dmg. to one foe'
>Skill B: 'Deals med. Phys dmg. to one foe'
>Skill C: 'Deals med. Phys dmg. to one foe'

>In actuality skill C has 20 more power and 10% more crit rate than skill A, while skill B has 5% more crit rate than even skill C, at the cost of 10 less damage and only 80 acc compared to the other two's 90 acc

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Atlus devs are really the scum of the earth, just give us fucking numbers like any game from 20 years ago you fucking lowlifes

>skill description is wrong in other languages

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at least you actually have something to go by...

Translation? I don't speak frog.

Destiny does this to hilarious degrees.

>"Weakens the target"
>"Deals heavy damage"
>"Increases the range of your melee attack"
>"Disorients the enemy for a brief time"

French part only says that it halves incoming damage.

learn to english good

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It's the same fucking thing.
It literally says "Reduce damage recieved from hit by half"

How is that different from english?

>エイジング (aging)
>老化成功率UP (aging success rate up)
The word 老化 has a sense of deterioration which accompanies the aging.
This seems like a case of retards doing whatever the fuck they feel like for their translations.

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>Automatically applies Maturakubakujujufunuboohoo
oh wow i love Maturakubakujujufunuboohoo

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In English it implies that you get hit 100% of the time also (I think it's very poorly phrased, though I'm an ESL), while the french part makes you believe it's just 50% damage reduction with no downsides.

does it say you're guaranteed to get hit if you wear it?

>Automatically applies Sukukaja

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To be fair, I never realised that it also guaranteed that you never dodge. I thought it was just stylistic wording.
Why couldn't they just explicitly say: "Unable to dodge attacks, but reduces damage by half" or something

>higher crit rate

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>raku = defense
>taru = attack
>suku = agility
>-unda = debuff
>-kaja = buff
>ma- = all enemies/team members

Its only 6 things you have to memorize user, are you a literal retard?

I remember this skill in p3, you take half damage but you have no chance to evade at all, this could be more clear instead of just saying take's the blow

This is actually my primary issue with SMT and Persona now that manual Fusion is the standard.

I somewhat get it because you're supposed to be blowing through demons so fast that a lot of shit gets left on the scrapheap, but it's still shit not knowing the minute differences in skills.

I don't recall it being an issue in SMTIV.

Because physical attacks are nonexistent in IV, go ahead and play Nocturne without a skill list, i dare you. I triple dare you

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Nocturne doesn't have manual fusion though.

ok then what the fuck is a tentarafoo and a makajam and makararakarn

>tfw didnt know about Iron Claw's high miss rate till I was fighting Lucifer

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It's all so enervating

so she succ?

>description tells you exactly what it does
What else do you want, faggot?

you know what you must do

>Not spending one hours resetting to get the optimal skill set

The skill in Japanese is called 仁王立ち which means an imposing stance.
I can't find any screenshots of the JP description to say exactly how the original text describes it, but I imagine that it's something to the effect of
which both indicate that you will 100% take the attack, but the damage of it will be halved.
tl;dr learn Japanese if you like playing Japanese games