Shilling much?

Are you fucking kidding me?
There is a thread about Genshit Impact, a fucking Chinese mobile gacha game up at all times?
I reported this for shilling 50 times and nothing ever happens.

Are you seriously telling me people here want this?
What is going on here, half of /vg/ is already gacha shit and now you are shilling this on Zig Forums as well.

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I do, fuck you

I've never once seen a thread for this desu

>Boy I sure do hate how there's always a thread up about Genshit Impact.
>I know! I'll make a thread about it! That'll show em!

Like I fucking said I told people to fuck off and reported the shilling but nothing happens.

I guess Zig Forums gets paid to allow this shit now or something.

Op is a shill. Don't respond.

You retards seem angrier than usual today.

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Why would you play gachashit and a Chinese one on top of that.

Good fucking question.

After you're finished seething please shower and have sex.

I shower every day and have plenty of sex.

is there a list of all the girls you can pull in the beta?

>It's Chinese so that means it must be shilling
It looks like a good game, brainlet

I don't know if the game is being shilled here, but I got into the beta about a week ago and actually had a pretty good time. It's obvious that a lot of elements were directly copied from BotW (open world but with towers to teleport between, climbing anything, using a glider, gathering ingredients lying around to cook into recipes, etc)

However, the combat in the game is actually pretty neat. Elements interact with each other, so you can use ice magic on wet enemies to freeze them, or ignite grass enemies. I wasn't sold on the game until I got that hot pirate girl from the gacha and then the combat suddenly got more indepth - she has a timed counterattack, so fighting became more about when to counter and when to attack.

I stopped playing a few days ago though, after I found out they're gonna wipe beta progress. No point getting far in the game if it's all just gonna be erased anyway.

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Yes and I'm the king of candy land. Now that our delusions of grandeur have passed shower.

Zig Forums mods immediately delete the chinese killswitch but refuse to consider anything similar for much worse cancer. Go figure.

it's a fucking gacha game, of course it's shilling

I only learned about it from this site, but in answer to your question: FUCK YEAH

Looks like a beautiful BOTW world - but apparently 3-4x bigger! Art style looks gorgeous and combat looks smooth and enjoyable.
Hope its as good as it looks.


You guys realize 90% of zelda is a rip off of several other people's work, right?

Then you started a thread about it. Is this reverse psychology shilling?

wtf is gacha, you japanese cunt

it looks like Breath of the Wild so why the fuck wouldnt we like it.

No one is forcing you to come here.


You fucking homos kicked of the nice comfy ai dungeon threads and now this ? Fuck you, especially you op.

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who cares if it rips good/great things off, if it does it as well or better

fuck it, even if they copy it almost as good i'd still play it and love it.

>wtf is gacha
Have you ever bought a Pack of Stickers or Cards ? That is the basic concept of a Gacha.

loot boxes?

Its working cuz i fell for it and made an account.

Have you tried ignoring and/or filtering it and talking about things you like instead of acting like a child?

This is you

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yes, i want this game. not shill but weeb here.

Shut up