Post buyers remorse

Post buyers remorse.

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It was boring af

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ff xiv

Fell for BR trap because liked first title.

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This piece of shit.

It's very pretty i'll give it that but it's such a chore to play. Not to mention the whole "2deep4u" christian/religious dialog is one of the absolute worst things i've ever seen

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Played it back when it released in 2016(Pirated it), and even with its faults at the time, I sunk like 30 or so hours in it. Decided it to buy it on sale last week, somehow it feels more janky that it did back in 2016. Hell, made me miss the simpler flight controls. The tutorial filtered me as well, too way too long and at the same time trying to teach you so many things. It would have been better if it had a better pacing with it but it just felt like it was rushing while dragging you along.

Refunded it but I regret ever going back to it.

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What's wrong with it? It's on my wishlist

Super fun but dead..

Civ VI. I tried to return it but Id played 4 hours

Yeah, they really made it worse in every single way except graphics. And people say it's fixed now. Huge mystery.

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This, pirated it back in like 2015. Bought it again this year. Other than an expanded dungeon and arena, the game still plays and looks the same. Just incredibly hard to get in to, and the Devs seem to just pop in and out when its convenient for them. Also, their refusal to change the controls or at least offer alternatives is what kills the game.

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Not worth $30

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I got this shit "free" with PS+ and I still feel like I overpaid.

I've put 200 hours into this
Haz5 is fun, rest is boring

Any battlefield game:

>cheaters everywhere
>awful map design
>conquest is the most popular mode while being the worst, the good modes are all dead
>every update breaks the game with OP weapons

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Fuck this trash game and fuck Zig Forums for memeing me into buying this shit for 40bucks.

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I really don't get it, the controls were fine and menu were fine. They added so many bullshit to your equipment, and resources you need to manage while somehow making the menu different that it just makes it seem very bloated. All the quick menus as well, going through them is really weird and I'm sure if you've played enough you'd get used to them but it could have been done better.

Just feels like they should have focused on making the planets more diverse, expanding space and focusing on the exploration aspect more, which they did but they didn't have to mess with the controls, menus and making resource management feel so bloated.

It was a great concept for a game.
An evolving martial arts system that you can only learn by sparring with the masters? Count me the fuck in. This is the multiplayer God Hand I always envisioned.

It's just not a great game in execution. If all the martial arts boil down to the speed that an attack happens at with no technique associated, then what's the point? Just get the fastest jab and poke everyone to death.

Same. Felt like a wasted month of subscription. Luckly I already cancelled that shit, no good games in ages.

I wanted to like it, but the fighting just feels so shitty with the flat SFX and everything being a sponge. Horrible stamina system.

Not him, but it's just too simple.

I think people say it's fine now because it's the closest it's been to what the original pitch of the game actually was.

The platforming is pretty shitty. It’s worth trying tho

lords of the fallen
basically any souls-clone, why are soulsclones so fucking bad

Actually filtered


game's dope but i can't get into it. any tips Zig Forums?

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Bought it.
Never once played it at all.
Still feel good about it because it was aesthetic

>why are soulsclones so fucking bad
Because they don't fucking get that what made the Dark Souls good was being a good arpg, not slapping a death retrieval mechanic on top of a shitty one.

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dragons dogma. story and narrative failed to catch my attention within the first few hours

>Game is good because I got forced to like it by memers here but it's actually dogshit and I can't play it please help