Looking for nice friends

looking for nice friends
steamcommunity.com/id/ fools_idoI/

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do u wear women clothing?

Bumping for this user looking for friends.

Well your profile doesn't seem too cringe, maybe I'll add you

Buy me a game and I'll add you

Promise me you don't erp or talk about porn and I'll add you

lol i dont do those

I saw you had 100hours in HK so I can't add you, sorry

Zig Forums back at it again with bad taste

How the fuck does one get to level 200? Does it
even do anything?

I neither see you have 100 hours in La-Mulana or Rabi-Ribi so I have to conclude that you are the one with bad taste, gomen user

Looking kinda cringe

lol ur post is embarrassing

>most hours on one game is only 400
>ofc it’s CSGO
Casual as fuck

>playing all games on steam
cringe no taste
also u must be shit at csgo huh

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i love these cute attention whore anons, they pop up every couple of months


Oh yea, I'm really jealous of the guy begging Zig Forums for friends.

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I added you because of Chito and 70% completion rate but you haven't accepted yet, what's up with that

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ye it's obvious u even think im begging lol

what's ur name on steam

oh have you been doing it for a while now? sorry i haven't been checking this board recently

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What ever you say, user.
What ever you say.

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Yeah. Feels good to not invest time into a shit game

i don't post on Zig Forums very much cause it's full of cringey and low iq people
ure trying so hard lol
seethe more behind your generic smug anime
who hurt your feelings in comp kek

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you seemed to play a lot of tf2 and dark souls, neither of which i'm good at
you didnt like monster hunter?

i dont play a lot of tf2 but i never tried monster hunter yet

is this the new tomoko/"looking for a bf" fag?

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says you have 11 hours in mh
that's enough to try it

nah, nobody's as autistic as that fucker

idling for cards only

your profile screams "not cute but trying"


dw i dont gotta try

What background is that?

That's not my name but I added you 10 minutes ago, I guess you posted the profile of a friend, whatever

>downloading games just to idle for cards and not play them

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yeah there it is you're like every ugly twink with an ego in tf2 comp and csgo, been there done that

>92 hours on DaS2
>already all achievements
so you used a guide on your first run. I bet you did the same on DaS1. Pathetic.

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well mh is really the only thing i play much of
probably wouldnt have much to play together elsewise

why r u mad
yea i had like 2000 card drops i used some script to get the cards
everyone whos seen me says im the cutest person they ever seen so i dont gotta worry
i played on console first
you are 2iq
i can 100% 1 and 2 in under 25 hours easy playing casually
i want people who like to talk anyways

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>card script


sell the free cards

>doesn't erp
>70% completion rate
>okay taste
>girls' tour
Wow maybe I'm going to add this user
>i'm cute and the cutest person people ever saw

hard pass

chasers don't count

Sorry op I only play games while also drunk and on voice chat..I'm thinking you wont fit my prerequisites

cards are worth nothing tho, unless it's a brand new game

ya i only said it cause people brought it up and it's true
but its obvious you're a mad samefag
even people irl have told me that

Post Vocaroo.

This is objectively false

nah i made like almost $40 selling all my free cards
ive done it a few times that was from 1 batch lol
my voice is too cute for the tards in this thread to hear desu

you type like my gf but you're more annoying and a self esteem queen, mommy dressing you up for church and calling you a cute little boy doesn't count either. be happy i'm giving you attention, dicklet twink