This was kinda disappointing

This was kinda disappointing.

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>console time exclusive
Yeah wonder why

Still better than 4.

was it?

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It's the best machine wise gta to date, as much as I prefer one single protagonist

which was still better than niggers selling drugs and talking like mentally challenged retards

yup, never bought it thankfully.

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>which was still better than

The trilogy (III, VC, SA) and their spin-offs are still the best GTAs. If you want more like that you have to play other open world games instead.

STFU PCvirgin

>I like games that are dumbed down for controllers and gimped for out of date hardware, even though it will only run at 30 FPS at best anyway
lol cope

Very much considering rdr1 a game that game before it had better shooting, ragdoll physics, gun sounds, explorations, story, amount of npcs (tons of animals including people). As for the guy saying its better than 4, he's full of shit. 4 had soul 5 was soulless and the map was 100x better

Sleeping Dogs > GTA


Do people even play GTAV anymore? Everyone just buys it for GTAO.

Lol no I grew up with 3 VC and SA and 5 was literally perfect

Same with Just Cause, Watch Dogs and everything else. It's like going back to The Trilogy but adding new mechanics instead of realism and story bloat.

4 blows this shit out of the water.

You were young enough that 3 and VC went by in a flash and you were attracted the simulation aspects of SA. Some of us started with 1 and just want to play fast, clever missions.

Not even the main heists could compare to IV's lone heist.

t. incel seething

>The trilogy (III, VC, SA) and their spin-offs are still the best GTAs.
This bitch never played CTW.

lmao get filtered plen

>soul soulless
Kill yourself reddit.

No, but I assume it's a suped-up version of GTA 2? 1 and 2 are great games as well but what clinches it for The Trilogy is the vertical aspect that only comes with 3D, stuff like sniping, fighting between high and low ground, everything having more weight and distinction from the additional dimension. So unless CTW is many times greater than 2, I don't think it could be good enough to out match the trilogy. The fact that it's a portable game also suggests it isn't, devs never employed their full force towards those titles. But I will try it to be sure of this. My guess is it will be either a bit better or a bit worse than 1 and 2.

>So unless CTW is many times greater than 2
It is, bitch.

I never finished it. I remmeber getting to some mission at an airport or something and then I crashed the plane and lost all progress and I couldn't be fucked to do it over. Never launched it again after that.
Awful loading times too.

honestly, I fucking loved it when it came out
I know how big of a faggot you all think I am for saying this, but I loved my life back then, and I loved the hype around the new gta game, going for a midnight event at some local vydia store with my brother, go home, get high and enjoy the ride

I didnt care about worse physics, edgy/boring characters, unused parts of the map, these are legit flaws, but I just couldnt give a fuck, because I was having fun and I loved it

Im not even that much into gta though, I think rdr games are better

>Some of us started with 1
No one played 1 or 2

Same. I was super hyped for this game. I was underage at that time so i had to get one of my older friends to pre-order it for me. I was so thankful that i kissed him lmao. Thinking back that was kind of cringe.

So which of you two was the bottom?

Cringe, you're literally like 16 years old aren't you. You should be banned you know.

>if you don't hate a game I hate, you're underage by amerilard standards
Your logic is shit as expected, and nobody's getting high and playing GTAV at age 9 at release.

We are both straight. It was just the heat of the moment. I'm taller now though, just fyi.

oh please

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nah, it was great, but there needs to be a new one already.

shit taste

see, this is what I was talking about, things like having fun, getting high, being hyped about something is cringe for you sad fucks
I was around 22 when it came out and still had a blast, and again, Im not even a fan of the series, I just had a good time and enjoyed the hype with my brother and my friends, but I can see how thats a scenario you cant really imagine, faggot

V's blew their load on their heists. Too much time on the preparation that they forgot to actually make it good. Meanwhile, IV kept it simple and had one of the most memorable shootouts in the entire series.

V's bigger sin is that the campaign is more of a tutorial for online than anything else, gameplay-wise. Plus, not having anything to do but replay missions after you finish the game.