I can only get one of these, which one should I get?

I can only get one of these, which one should I get?

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Bump for interest. I'm leaning towards Odin Sphere myself, I gotta decide on one before payday

Dragons crown can be easily emulated IIRC, and is boring as shit alone. Super fun coop though.
Odinsphere starts really slow, picks up after about 3-4 hours.
Muramasa is great, but kinda repetitive

I have only played Odin Sphere but I had a great time with it

The other two have been rereleased on platforms with upgrades.
The definite version of Muramasa is stuck on the fucking Vita of all things.

Muramasa is the best choice for the greater good. If it's on Yuzu, that means it's finally off the Vita and on a console, and PC users can play it with Yuzu. The other two can already be emulated using RPCS3.

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk

>just give me ports, anything

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Dragon's Crown if you have friends to play with. Muramasa and Odin Sphere have their strengths and weaknesses. Take OS if you like weird unconventional mechanics and aesthetics. If you prefer straightforward traditional mechanics and classical Japanese aesthetics then Muramasa.

odin sphere > dragon's crown > muramasa

Odin Sphere, if it's the remaster anyway. The original version is a bit rough in the gameplay department, but the remaster fixes all the problems. It also has a rather good story.

Odin Sphere you dumb nigger

you made me check kek keep dreaming

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I've never had a PS3 or PS4, I'd love a switch port of Dragon's Crown personally.

Odin Sphere.
Dragon's Crown is great even alone and makes the best bang for your buck since you can play it literally forever if you want to, but it's still an acquired taste.
Muramasa would be fantastic if it weren't for the random encounters and the end-game grind. Those really just kill the game altogether.
Odin Sphere is fantastic and if you feel like getting your money's worth the real difficulty is unlocked with NG+ where you transfer your characters with their full movesets unlocked and basically play the "real" game. It's some good, super challenging shit. Be warned that even on the PS4 there's one particular boss that just kills the framerate entirely, and pretty much every fight with constantly spawning dwarves can be complete bullshit for the same reasons.

muramasa for nonstop action, odins sphere for very light rpg elements and item management, dragons crown for co-op. played them all and liked muramasa the most

What's going on? I can't find any evidence that Muramasa Rebirth is on the Switch.

because OP failed to mention he posted a mock up

Muramasa dlc

Play. On. PS4.

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I'm fairly certain none of those games are on the Switch, with Muramasa being a Wii game.
Odin's Sphere though.

Get Muramasa

>Muramasa on Switch

You son of a bitch, you got my hopes up for a minute.

Muramasa would be great if it didn't have like 5 enemy types you're going to be fighting for the next 25 hours up until the true end. At least both OS and DC have an enemy roster that crosses the 20 without recolors.
Odin Sphere (the remake, anyways) was more of a constant, nonstop action game IMO. It also just plays much better once you get used to it. It still suffers from some repetition, but not as badly as Muramasa does, even if OS does force you to replay the game 5 times and all (then again with the DLC you're stuck replaying Muramasa 6 times in total if you want the true endings for each)

such a massively shit opinion

(They should add all 3 though)

If you checked, he's not the only dreamer here...

Muramasa DLC leaving the Vita would make me buy it again day one

>13 Sentinels is going to bomb so hard they might do this to recoop costs

guess that's what happens when you make a tower defense game with no action or waifus and the plot doesn't get kino until 95% in.

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>tfw night of absolute pandemonium

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>That wave of 30 white ninjas at once
>In fury mode
>no waifus
It does have those, though. Western reviewers are going to be conflicted on the game because as a movie game it's great but it has a few ""male-gazey"" scenes that are going to dock a few points off the score.

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OP here, apologies for the pic. I just needed an image with the three games and thats what came up on google images. I'm actually planning to play on VITA

All three are on vita lmao

>It does have those, though

key word on EVENTUALLY. i don't know what convinced Vanillaware to make a more grounded EVA plot.

they should have made Liberation Maiden but a more fully fleshed out game.

anyone remember that?

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I love Odin Sphere, but I would pick Muramasa, mainly because the best version of that game is stuck on the Vita and I want to play it, I loved the Wii version.