Monster Hunter


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>mount theme is going to sound better again
They really need to switch this

I have no elemental builds except a blast SwAxe build. Am I fucked?

Is that how many hours of content this update brings?

Blast is not an element.
So yeah, probably.

wait it today?

This shit is gonna suck

They almost always put new updates out zero hour utc time which comes out to the day before if you're in burger hours.

I'm gonna try a support DPS build. Might have to run with horn because he probably moves too much for Sns. Probably better to use a horn with elemental buffs and defense rather than AuL and such. Don't forget your Astera Jerky until we figure out how Eschaton can be dealt with, seems the best option unless Recovery Speed + Recovery Up will work.

I still fear that Ala will be MP-scaled only, guess i'll just have to bite the bullet and play with randos if that's the case.

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You can always have people from a thread help

>MP-scaled only
They did the same in the old games and people praise them for that. Why is it a problem now?

The old games weren't MMO wannabes so they didn't have DPS checks on everything to artificially increase the difficulty

>another two even mosters
Why? Why can you just let me hunt them solo at my own pace YOU FUCKS?

At least you're willing to do so. I just barely helped a friend with Safi recon and he had finally got around to hunting stygian to fully unlock his GL, now he's trying to build for Alatron, while he has yet to:

>Do a full safi hunt to unlock his armor or at least one weapon
>He tried and failed to solo MR rank kulve
>Hasn't gone after raging brachy to get his gear or armor
>His weapon of choice will be the grinding mallet, the early best hammer that of course is now outclassed.
>AND he thinks he can solo alatreon, while thinking Frostfang Barioth will be scarier

And he doesn't even give me an answer as to why he wont hunt with randoms, like he thinks he'll get kicked if he plays bad or some shit. I think alatreon is going to turn him into a smear.

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What’s scoop on armor and weapons bro’s?

I can't wait to bash my head against frozen barioth with my GS.
The normal is already a spastic retard enough.

I guess it's less about the HP-scaling and more about the way the fight is designed, older games had always MP-scaling after Village but it didn't feel like the monsters were designed to be a pain in the ass for Solo players like Behemoth or Safi.
Jeez, your friend seems very ill-prepared, i wish him luck on his endeavour.

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I feel your pain, GSbro. It's like the main theme of Iceborne is to give monsters as much ADHD as possible. I even switch to lance for Rajang - FUCK fighting that cunt with a GS.

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>>He tried and failed to solo MR rank kulve
I failed at solo-ing MR Kulve too. Timer sucks.

I like rajang with GS since it's just waiting until it calms the fuck down a moment and hit its ass as hard as humanly possible.
Only monster I loathe with GS is kush and that one is just sticky to death. For barioth I just get mantles, traps and wallbangs until I break its arms then the fight is waiting until it stops flying around.

Did you focus the chest the entire first area?

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First time, I didn't I think. Second time, I got to the last phase and then it just fucks off. Gave up soloing it after that.

Will they be on PC

Yes. Did you even read the in-game event notifications?

Parity is a thing now.

No I refuse to buy Iceborne until it's optimized

Then why do you even asked?

Don't give up user you can do it

Make sure you bring slinger capacity 1 for easy double wallbangs and tenderize her chest and arms in the first phase before you wallbang her

In the first phase as well if you manage to break her horns when she goes molten she goes down for a long fucking time

The second phase is also over in no time at all if you manage to get a double wallbang and drop the rocks on her

This should make the first two phases go well more consistently so you can get to the final phase which just takes practice

>slinger capacity 1
I guess I could try fitting that and Earplugs in. I always get too greedy when using Clutch Claw.


Oh damn, I've been playing all day I didn't think he was coming out soon. Good thing I farmed all of Safi's elemental IGs.

>just got a trueshot+ deco
>almost never play ranged

oh well, at least it's better than handicraft+ or earplug+. maybe i'll use it someday.

just make a set without negative res and eat for elemental res L, anyone under 20 res is getting kicked of my runs

dont feel bad soloing MR kulve is kinda RNG, sometimes she just rolls all over the place non-stop

Old games didn't have HP scaling, they had a fixed amount of HP that was balanced in a way that no matter how many hunters they were, it was still possible to do without being a meta-speedrunner autist after 40 attempts.
The hunts were somewhat hard if you did it solo while if you went with 3 other players, the hunt was basically a fucking joke.

also save your mounts for phase 3 and use the pillar to trigger them

cute is there more