What the fuck man

what the fuck man

Attached: Screenshot_2020-07-08 How Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will sell user-created mods and content.png (849x799, 580.53K)

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called it.

>paid mods

These games have had paid modifications for a long time. Hell doing this might make it easier than before.

aaaaand dropped

There have always been third parties selling mods for flight simulators. Some of them cost up to 100 dollars, though they come with autistic levels of detail.

how many people on Zig Forums play these autism flight simulators? i've never touched them

Yeah, anyone surprised by this clearly hasn’t played flight simulators before, this has always been a big thing for them. New planes, detailed airport packs, all that stuff is already decades old.

Paid mods are totally normal in flight sims. Most paid planes aren't made by the sims developer.
But I get that you need to find your next target to pretend to care about and focus your undirected outrage towards.


>he doesn't know flightsim boomers actually want paid mods

Why does Microsoft always do this? Whenever they seem to have a good game, they always end up doing something so retarded, it becomes a dealbreaker

paid terrain addons/planes made by actual developers who know what they're doing are a far cry from the "community content" of patreon welfare beggars.

No it isn't, you're talking completely out of your ass. In fact the article that is being quoted talks about 150 professional addon makers already having the SDK. I sincerely doubt you play any sims.

>Having to learn anything is autistic
>Simple games are casual

Well every airport in the world is already included. Things like PilotEdge are going to cost money, and storefronts managed by the developer are prolific in sims.

I play X-Plane 11, FSX, DCS and IL-2 regularly.

Flight Sims have had paid mod for 40 years, this is nothing new.

Pic related is a tiny fraction of what's out there.

The only thing retarded about this is Microsoft trying to force their own stupid currency rather than setting up a regular storefront.

Attached: FSX.jpg (629x875, 136.39K)

Learned to fly on sims, now fly a real plane as a hobby.

>subscription based
>paid mods
at this rate they might even announce a battleroyale game mode

if its pro devs selling their stuff via the marketplace like a dlc broswer that's fine. if its """"""community content""""""""""" of backported trash or cheap shit made by patreon fags it can fuck off. simple as.

Haha suck my dick.
The industry is getting worse and all of you have to deal with it.

Don't blame Microsoft, blame the people buying the microtransactions

Where'd you read subscription based?

>in a fucking flight sim
These are MACROtransactions. Ive paid more for one plane than an entire AAA game costs. This is the simboomer life.

As already stated by multiple user sin this thread this is nothing new in the flight sim world. Go cry about Cyberpunk or some actual flawed game.

OP here,
the point wasn't to bitch about paid content for flight simulator.. hell, that's been a core part of the scene for over 30 years now... it was mostly bitching about the dumb "Flight Coins" and worrying about shoehorning the entire marketplace through their shitty store

>The only thing retarded about this is Microsoft trying to force their own stupid currency rather than setting up a regular storefront.
This user 100% got what I was trying to say here.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-07-08 FlightSim Com - Home - PC Flight Simulation Downloads And More.png (1109x2507, 1.06M)


how much you wanna bet the shitty currency is only going to be sold in fucky amounts to make you buy more than you need

Can I make real world money from this or is this just Monopoly money I can only use with Microsoft?

>Microsoft flight sim
Stupid question but will this ever come to mobile since it uses cloud computing and not the actual hardware you have?

Considering the audience this news affects about 0% of the player base

reading via google translate, he says the exact opposite

>the point wasn't to bitch about paid content for flight simulator..
it is if they open to floodgates to anyone and flooding the store with selling shit like mspaint made plane skins for 29.99. if its pro made stuff then fine, but propriety e-bux to buy them is fucking gay.

The thing is that Microsoft is a behemoth with a long history, and even their recent scumminess means they attract a huge amount of talented and passionate people getting started with making vidya.

Talented and passionate people produce good video games, usually in small teams that they start on.

Then the suits in the executive branch take notice of how this good game is popular and they say 'how can we monetize this', and it goes downhill from there.

that's basically the Steam store experience right now for FSX... and thankfully I can completely avoid that

>flight simulator
what happens if you fly into space

I'm all for this.
It'll act like a fine filter for all the unbelievable autism in the paid sim modding community.

No, because 'cloud computing' is a literal lie in and of itself, and because even if it did exist, it wouldn't use it.

>since it uses cloud computing and not the actual hardware you have?
it uses both at the same time...

When you get too high, there aren't enough air molecules to maintain your lift, so you stall and start falling out of the sky.

How much does it cost to buy everything per Flight Simulator game? Are we talking hundreds of dollars? Thousands? billions?

isn't the the "cloud computing" just azure servers streaming bing maps and real time weather data to the game?