Since they've been referencing him more than usual lately, could Nintendo be gearing up for a new Wario game...

Since they've been referencing him more than usual lately, could Nintendo be gearing up for a new Wario game? also wario thread

Attached: wario june july 2020.png (1000x755, 1.04M)

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Nothing there is "more than usual" aside from the Captain Syrup namedrop, which I doubt means anything unless it was in the Japanese dialog too.

So is this pretty much first time babby wario has a 3d appearance? Hell I don't think he had appeared on another game besides yoshi island ds

what games does wario even have? i literally only know him from mario kart, mario party and skash bros

wario land
wario ware
and thats it i think

Attached: file.png (360x450, 451.97K)

He has his own platformer series and WarioWare

Wario Land existed zoom zoomie, they are good games

I'll take a new Wario Ware or Wario Land game, either will be good in my book.

Since we're on the subject, how would you change smash bros Wario to make him actually game accurate instead of "Uh Oh Stinky"

Wario ware switched when?

That Dr. Mario game with all the appearances looks sick as fuck. Hope they port it to the Switch in some manner.

literally the best Nintendo platforming series

Good Feel might be working on Wario again after making two Yoshi games in a row. I don't really see Nintendo publishing a second switch-exclusive Yoshi game. Especially since there's already a Kirby game on switch and we know another is coming.

Why the FUCK havent they made another Wario World?

That game was EXCELLENT

Nintendo doesn't care about good games anymore
they just want to milk normie bait for easy money

I think the AC one is just a localization thing, they like to change some lines for references.
The rest its just normal, Baby Wario is the only real outlier, but do you really think the Mario Spinoff would not add another baby.

i just want a wario ware thats as fun multiplayer as the wii one was

He's pretty game accurate already.
He's got the shoulder bash, the ground pound, the GET OUTTA HERE throw, the Chomp based on his inhale move from World and the punch combo.

Wario World reboot/remake when

>virtual boy wario land virtual console on 3ds never ever
why did it have to be this way

Plus Treasure is basically dead.

Attached: 1350265462442.png (520x400, 236K)

It's still shit and "haha funee eccentric fat man" instead of "greedy STRONG AND MACHO fat man".
The Good Feel devs definitely knew what's up when making Shake It. Too bad it flopped. And now Ware Gold flopped too.
So Wario games are probably dead.

>There's no good Mona or Syrup porn
Why even live


>putting wario gold on the 3ds as opposed to switch
What the actual fuck were they thinking?

I hope we get another Wario beat em up. Never played Shake It, is it worth emulating?

>No new Wario World game
>No new Sin and Punishment

>haha funee eccentric fat man
Then it is accurate to the Japanese depiction of the character.

Wario Ware DIY 2 when

Pretty sure they just did it for the whole "every single Ware game mixed in one" shit.
Like, the Switch has gyro and capacitive touchscreen, so maybe they didn't want to make people shit on their screens? Most of the touch microgames involve some really heavy motions which could damage em.
That, or maybe it was just cheaper to make it a 3DS game.

So the american depiction was better, then.

Why does baby wario have sweat next to his eyes?

Man i just want a Mario & Luigi style game but with Wario and Waluigi

>entire plot would be get rich quick schemes
>wario getting to use all his gadgets
>garlic as a power up

>Japanese depiction
Oh so you're on of those retards who read that article made by some faggots that suck off Sakurai then.
>Called himself Master Wario
>Greedy inmortal fucker who literally said thanks whenever he got squished, got a bee sting or got burned
>Beat the shit out of anything in his way of getting treasure

That's some sick claymation.

Everyone hated Wario World when it was new, mainly because of how short it was.

Man I fuckin loved it. Scary as hell.