Attached: ss+(2020-07-01+at+09.01.59).png (727x358, 37.85K)

2020 - the year nintendo forgot to release any games

You misunderstand. The quote from your image refers to large scale events like expos or conventions. A direct is simply a video.

DP2 comes out in 2 days

tomorrow for me

>"UHh yeah we won't be able to show off games at big venues and large events"
>Smoothbrain interprets this as no directs

Once again Zig Forums has proven itself to have a brain the size of a pea

>"We have adopted a more flexible approach."

I.E: Trailers are now just slapped to their youtube channel.

Directs are a "large scale event" seeing aas nothing as come out only blosters my claim.

Its ok toddlers. Sony's Direct was better than anything Nintendo could put out anyway.

Nate said the 20th though.


NateDrake, a faggot from Resetera/Twitter that pretends to be a leaker.

So were sonybros always completely illiterate or is it just this statement that turned their brain to complete mush?

Aight. Got a sauce for his claims on the 20th?

>new Pokemon games
He can't seriously be talking about the MOBA, right? top kek

And it literally, unironically runs like Skyrim on Dobson's mac book.

>Direct on a Monday

I think he has a podcast or something, I never that shit because they're too fucking long.

He might be a melodramatic faggot sometimes, but he has info

Nintendo literally has no games coming out in the same year that the next gen are being released. Nintendo is fucking dead.

People will be buying the PS5 and the SEXbox will Nintendo announces some fucking Fire Emblem character for Smash. Get the fuck out.

There is literally 0% chance that the next gen consoles combined will outsell the Switch this Christmas season.

What if you're wrong? Will you stream your suicide?

I don't think you understand how launches work. The Xbone and PS4 sold like 7 million combined during their launch quarter.
The Switch has never had a holiday quarter that low.

He is talking explicitly about conventions you retarded faggot. Stuff like E3, gamescom and tokyo gameshow.



>Directs are a "large scale event" seeing aas nothing as come out only blosters my claim.
This is some reaching ass shit right here. In what way are directs large scale? They're literally 30 minute youtube videos with low production value.


You're both right - late 2020 is going to be dominated by the SeX and PS5 in terms of coverage and hype. They won't outsell the Switch's lifetime sales (that'd be insane), but the PS5 at least will probably outsell the Switch in the same timeframe it releases.

So Nintendo has two options: compete and make a name for the Switch while the competitors are releasing their new consoles, or cuck out and wait until 2021 for more big guns. They've chosen the latter, for whatever reason - it might just be down to internal delays more than anything else.

Animal Crossing was an absolutely YUGE seller this year; I won't be surprised if they coast on it for literally the rest of 2020, along with some smaller-tier games like Paper Mario and maybe one more surprise title (like another Kirby or something).

Including games that have already come out Nintendo already has like 6 exclusives released or planned for the year. Just because you don't like those games doesn't mean they "don't count."

You didn't answer the question.

Name the games fag. Origami is the only exclusive everythint else is timed or not even an exclusive

The big release is gonna be the 3D Mario HD collection, we already know this. It will probably outsell Mario Odyssey because of nostalgia and the high value for the cost (3 games instead of 1). I could easily see the 3D Mario collection being the second biggest switch release period after Mario Kart.

Origami is the only exclusive? I'm sorry are you not even counting the games that already released? They already released Animal Crossing, Xenoblade DE and an expansion for Pokemon. Deadly Premonition 2 comes out soon. And we know about a new Pokemon Snap.

>Sony’s direct was better than anything Nintendo could put out anyway
Nintendo directs may be pretty boring most of the time, but at least it’s not tranny dino high school the game

When will people learn to stop trusting "leakers"?

Read the sentence, you illiterate faggot.
Large scale events is in direct reference to E3. The Paper Mario trailer was dropped to Youtube because they the game is coming out soon and they had to announce it. The (not) E3 Direct wasn't cancelled as a conspiracy to abolish Directs to troll Zig Forums, their plans and ability to work were smashed by covid, this year was probably light anyways, they have patience with the general public and investors because they had Farmville Crossing and Movieblade Cinematics Reforged come out at the beginning of lockdown, and no matter what Nintendo does they will just passively have less ability to build a narrative with two imminent console launches stealing oxygen from any other story. They probably decided to role the big stuff from E3 like Metroid Prime 4 teaser, Zelda Switch update, and whatever new big first party announcement, into a big Direct in September just before PS5 and Xbox. Who knows maybe no Direct till next year if we are unlucky. But the idea that they are cancelling the popular Direct series just to troll Zig Forums is idiotic.
Sony had jack shit in 2017 when Switch came out, and Xbox has had literally nothing since Killer Instinct over half a decade ago, and last time I checked Sony and Xbox aren't dead and are releasing consoles this year.