Why have you stopped playing Overwatch?

Why have you stopped playing Overwatch?

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Never played it to begin with. The game is only good for cooming to the rule 34. I seriously hope none of you actually played it.

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Updates being slow as fuck, and the game being balanced poorly. And blizz being ea2 but that is a different problem we have this thread hourly plz go away sage

Game is dull and boring now

I only enjoy the PvE, shame its only available during certain times of the year

And no, I don't plan to give 60 bucks to blizzard just to play the upcoming *sequel*

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Queen of hearts

It's just not as fun as it was before.
Feels more like a salt factory and meta game. No like meta? So just play arcade

Honestly, the game is really fucking boring. There's only so many times you can run around the same 3 maps, using the same 3 heroes, and using the same 3 abilities before you get really really tired of it.

On the other hand every single girl in Overwatch has claimed multiple loads from me in the past and that aspect is the best part of the game now.

I realized that I hate team-based games

Vanilla Overwatch was kino. The unnecessary balance patches that kept throwing the meta on its head ruined it for me. It's what I hate about MOBAs in general. Just let the game evolve. Stop trying to reinvent it whenever the player base bitches about anything.

buff super high tech ninja turtle...

yep game is catered to young prepubescent white boys

name in pic?

My friends stopped playing it and it is utterly miserable to play solo. The porn is great though.

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Imagine mating pressing Widowmaker right here

Wish I had a cute friend to do lewd things with so I wouldn't have to beat it to video game characters

love this chick to death but man its tough playing her, get shot out of the sky soon as you see a hitscan

Because I literally can't stop cooming to this picture, it's all I do 24/7 now, can't even think about anything else


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What's Queen of Diamonds?

Solo queue healing in comp is hell, and it's just not as fun as it used to be. All the new characters and reworks to old ones just make the game less enjoyable for me

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Never started.
Thought about getting into it, but boy am I glad I didn't.

I could never play Pharah to save my life. Ana was always my jam and was a tonne of fun to play.

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The french spider

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only fucks rich men

Solo comp in general is hell. So many matches lost on the character select screen because everyone wants to play the offense characters.

Queen of Hearts means she fucks white men right? Who's queen of spades out of curiosity?

because after 2 matches you realize the game is shit
thanks beta
thanks shitty free weekends

Hey, I requested that.

Is there supposed to be a phone in her hand?

always thought reaper was the father till i saw the comic and realized it was just some npc

how many times has this schizo shill made this exact same thread?
your game is dead. move on

but Diamonds is Hispanic
Clover is Asians

The purple raccoon

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stopped ranked play. Still play Arcade modes. Mainly Mystery Heroes with some music on. Chill and fun.


It was really fun game but 4/5 times teammates were retards and didn't pick heroes good for the team.
Pretty much like DotA2

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I actually loved it and defend against all you weeboo's but the game just got old and stale

widowmaker aka worst girl.
Take the mercypill

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The game is doomed to be shit because they for some reason refuse to balance around offensive characters. TF2 succeeded because almost every class is offensive, and even the couple "support" classes still have fighting options. Trying to hamfist mmo or moba class mechanics into FPS is just asking for trouble.

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make sure to thank your healer anons

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what's this funny feeling in my stomach...

Good bear.

It's your body trying to make cum as quickly as possible to be immediately ejected

Because Blizzard made Tracer a lesbian.

They were so focused on balancing, they forgot to make it fun.

Thats better

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But why is she blue.