Why do gaming consoles exist?

>meant to be "the gaming platform"
>constant technological limitations, restricting videogames to unfathomable levels
>typical controller unusable for anything FPS-related and high-stakes shooters in general

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Because PC faggots pirate games. Companies like to get paid.

why do gayming pcs exist?
nobody knows at this point. probably for twitch streaming and rgb leds

>gaymen at a desk
pc gaming has never been comfy enough

Because console users buy games unlike pc beggars

t. 17 years old and/or unwashed autistic neckbeard

>>constant technological limitations, restricting videogames to unfathomable levels
Cheap and easy to use. Basically zero troubleshooting.

>>typical controller unusable for anything FPS-related and high-stakes shooters in general
Fps isn't the only genre of game user.

Because GPUs cost more than a fucking console.

Because faggots are loyal to them as a result of buyer's stockholm syndrome and will never cease arguing about them on Zig Forums

Why do consoles take hours just to play a fucking game nowadays?
Why is the main focus graphics?
Why is Fun no longer the main Purpose?
Why Do retards eat this shit up?
Why are Movie games now the exclusives
Why is Everything Degrading faster and faster each year?

Probably because a dedicated bit of hardware you just plug and play was seen as appealing at a time when personal computers were few and far between.
Now with persona computers everywhere, and many consoles losing that plug and play capabilities (how many menus and downloads do you go through before actually playing?), I believe they're totally outdated.

Mobile Consoles might still work, but with the sheer volume of smartphones, their hardware, and peripherals for controllers, it'll be a hard sell.

Because they get the games you keep begging for.

Because they afford users the experience of playing quality video games at home without the need to go to an arcade and jam in a bunch of quarters in a cabinet
The NES revitalized gaming after the gaming crash and reinvigorated a drowning market due to mass production of shitty consoles with crappy games with quality entertainment on a reasonable box
Gaming grew from that seed and branched out in various directions, including to personal computers, making them more than just industry/scientific/work tools and eventually to phones as well, catering to a different market

Console gamers
>Buy game
>Play game

PC Gamers
>Buy game only sometimes
>Fuss over settings/drivers, may or may not work
>Spend more on hardware every time
>Beg for console ports
>Chained to shitty non-gaming OS
>Cling to "potential" rather than play games
good luck refuting any of this

Because you know nothing about video games and only parrot what you read on this board

console users have no reason to exist anymore since fortnite exists it proves you can get the same shitty games for free

pc users
just don't care or play obscure games unless you're one of the faggots who came from console and plays AAA games still for some dumb reason because you were brainwashed

not really

i was mostly pointing out western retards and their issues
if you play anything but the shill games you actually get good shit and it's always indie or japanese

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FPS games are horse shit

>you're one of the faggots who came from console and plays AAA games still for some dumb reason
Crysis is a AAA game that PC fags still use all the time to boast about how PC is better. Stop trying to rewrite history.

ive seen more children play fortnite on mobile and console than pc, all pc fortnite players are third worlders

i'm not rewriting history i'm just pointing out facts
majority of pc are fags who play dogshit

you need to find real gamers not faggots who stroke their dick about graphics or cinema stories

Like it or not, AAA games matter unlike black lives

what are you, a poorfag?

i don't care not to mention if you think AAA Games matter you're more ignorant than them and joe biden.

Quit talking like some kind of low test faggot. If AAA games didn't matter, you wouldn't have a new line of RTX cards coming out. They just don't matter to you.

The best arena shooter of the gen was Halo5 lol

This is only logic used by sheep Literally
just buy product consume than repeat

Maybe I just have broad taste but I love AAA shit and obscure Japanese shit
I’ll play almost anything

too bad the new AAA games only use the new graphics because they are unoptimized like shit
if they were using the new hardware to push graphics , you wouldn't see a single game on console

Imagine being so brain dead you can’t play an FPS with a controller like every 8 year old in America can

Who said I was buying an RTX card? go back to your sseth video

it's a matter of convenience and price of entry. not everyone care's about some fat pc tower. consoles are cheap, come with all the accessories you need right out the box and have thousands upon thousands of games to play.

I guess this answers the question, yeah.
Thanks everyone, but I've gotten a good resolution to my inquiry, so you can stop shitflinging each other now.

>and have thousands upon thousands of games to play.

you were right on everything except this
all current gen consoles combined have less than 10 games i actually want to play

>you can buy an Xbox One X for $300
>costs $2,000 just to get a graphics card for a gaming PC

>This product matters because
>this product exists
>therefore it matter

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price of entry might stop being a concern if consoles switch to payment plans like xbox is doing. then it's all about ease of use, services, overall value and QOL shit.

Best price/performance by far.

Don't forget about assfaggots and other f2p garbage. Seriously though for years we've heard that consoles are holding gaming back and all they could ever point to was worsened graphics and a limit on how big levels could be as if bigger levels meant better games. PCfags got their wish, PC gaming has surpassed console gaming in revenue 10 years ago, in theory that would mean that devs could stop focussing on console since they don't need them anymore. In reality they need consoles more than ever because PCfags are too busy playing assfaggots.

Because PC has no games

I wonder why does high end PC gaming exist, you're never fully utilizing the hardware, it's a huge inefficient waste, there's no games that push the hardware because they're all designed around consoles