Satisfactory sales figures

Epic store is irrelevan-

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Other urls found in this thread: seethe/

Quick Zig Forums post a quick summary of your thoughts on the last game you played instead of replying to this garbage thread.

played 5 minutes of disco elysium

Why do you keep ignoring and/or brushing off the fact that satisfactory was on the Epic store for way fucking longer than it has been on steam?

>this thread again
Oh boy, OP sure loves getting btfo again and again.

I'm playing Psychonauts for the first time, it's super charming and I dig the aesthetic, but the gameplay is a bit bland.

Just got through Blighttown in DaS, first time playing. It wasn’t as bad as people make it to be, either way the game is very, very outdated compared to Sekiro.

You understand those numbers include V-Bucks sales right? (aka fortnite, the thing making up 99% of epic games traffic.)

Little Witch Nobeta
Absolute kino

this is the most ugly mutt you guys have posted in a long time

The most important sales are made in the first month, so I wouldn't be super impressed by the Steam stats

Apparently Steam sales are already at 450k since making this video.

-t the devs themselves admitted that selling those 350K+ on steam when it just released it was a big surprise and they also said they know the game will sell more on steam when it reaches the same amount of time it has on the epic store

I don't know why people have so much allegiance to steam and valve in general. Do you not understand they're just a shitty corporation like any other?

I started act 3 of Vanquish and holy fuck im mad i waited this long to play the game, but i think playing it with mouse and keyboard was worth waiting for

I just played through that Detroit game a friend gifted me on steam, was okay.

Pathologic 2 is great. Zig Forums is amazing for recommendations so long as you know how to filter out retards.

Quite literally no one is better than them currently. Everyone who's tried has half assed it and valve nowadays doesn't even do much.

it's not an allegiance you dumbfuck
if you weren't 12 years old you would know everything wrong with epic, like how in the 2000s epic decided that PC gaming was dead so they only released games on consoles

that'd be like saying why do you like your stepdad who raised you more than your deadbeat dad who only showed up because you're rich

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1. It's been out way longer on EGS and on sale more
2. It's listed as Early Acces on Steam. EGS doesn't have that tag besides on some tiny misc text in the description. Less people buy stuff labeled early access on Steam

I use linux.

Considering I can't even use half of my controllers on games without downloading a shitty 3rd party app or add a game to Steam as a non-steam game, every other platform can fuck off. Running a game through Steam and just knowing any controller will work perfectly is incredible value.

1 month on steam 370k sold 1 year on epic 960k sold, math 100

Satisfactory got hella memefluencer hype and it all dwindled down when the steam release happened. Of course it's gonna sell more on the platform that cucked out and bought the game's soul.

failure spotted

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Why does Epic make Steamies seethe?

did they really make a video on it? why are they so shitty?

I like engineering games and have never bothered with EGS, so I didn't even know it existed until it popped up on steam. The only problem with two distribution platforms is getting advertising out to people like me who only use one of them. Other than that competition is good, so who cares? It seems like most things end up on both anyway.

They literally say in the video that they were surprised at how quick it was selling on steam and expect it to pass epic sooner rather than later.

Rust, it's fun with a friend but I'd never play it solo

4 hours into Velen in the Witcher 3, bretty fun game.

why does failure make chinks seethe

>game sells more on X platform when it has a year of exclusivity on X platform


Why are you always seething yourself? You can't seem to get Steam out of your head. I doubt that most people who use steam even care to think about EGS. seethe/


Fun game but I just want to unga bunga and never pick a stealthier chassis so I feel bad occasionally

Satisfactory, its fun if you like games like that, especially if you are a factorio fan. Little buggy (esecially in terms of clipping) but its early access.

>EGS doesn't have that tag besides on some tiny misc text in the description.
this is the slimiest thing about egs desu, I filter all early access games on steam because there's a ton of shit ones

Of course I say it a lot, you guys never stop seething