This was the moment

This was the moment when i understood that we are not in the same boat, Zig Forums. even if im a dork with no friends who will be virgin forever, im not like you - not a souless piece of shit who would swarm any "durr hurr sjw" stuff.

I absolutely fucking loved this game. it was perfectly dramatic and painful. Playing it was like going through some fever dream, i even understood that guy who wrote "i didnt enjoy it, i wasn't supposed to" on twitter

Attached: 34y3.jpg (655x442, 12.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Now fuck off to Twitter

i'd rather stay and make pieces of shit like you mad.

I wanna know why you love it
I'm autistic so the game fails to tug my emotional heartstrings and it seems that's all it's able to accomplish. Outside of the feels what's good?

>not a single comment about the gameplay
kill yourself >muh vidya is art!! faggot, everything you described could've been experienced through a youtube walkthrough

>I'm autistic
It seems like all normal people who function normally like this game. only autists and spergs hate it
>kill yourself >muh vidya is art!! faggot
that kind of sperg level im talking about you

Holy shit im glad im not one of you

>Imagine being such a brainlet, you actually get emotionally charged over a vidya story

Are you the guy who cried over that Star wars trailer on Youtube?
Because you sound like the kind of guy that would.

>Are you the guy who cried over that Star wars trailer on Youtube?
>Imagine being such a brainlet, you actually get emotionally charged over a vidya story
this level of sperg and insanity im talking about

You realized your a normie who likes entry level 2deep4u movie games. Congratulations user I'm extremely proud of you

Could you not make these low reply bate threads and actually invest time into posting something of substance you retarded thread monkey!?

thread hidden

>You realized your a normie who likes entry level 2deep4u movie games
coming from a creature like you, that's more like a compliment
you can be angry as much as you want but you know im right

I have no shame not crying like a bitch over retarded teenagers.

>post dumb opinion
>reply to every response with "peepeepoopoo I win"
Great thread retard

lmao imagine having to cling to a fucking video game just to try to prove you're moral and a good person.

>lmao imagine having to cling to a fucking video game j
>Great thread retard
>I have no shame not crying like a bitch over retarded teenagers.
You even sound like a bunch of assholes. God im glad im not one of you. that means i still have a chance.
thanks fucking god.

This is the kind of faggot shit that makes you a virgin forever.

Yes, you are so superior and pious. The light of your golden armor blinds me and makes me turn my head in shame.


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"Love" is a bit strong but as someone who was shitting on the whole idea of a sequel up until release I was impressed with it.

Zig Forums consists mainly of people who neither like nor play video games. Get used to it.

You have less soul than a chinaman, you fruity faggot.

you're gonna get gassed, kike

>not being a souless piece of shit

Attached: 1592713839183.png (500x500, 111.36K)

Fucking this. Morality is for faggots in the current year.

>you're gonna get gassed, kike
no i wont
jews won
feminists won
lgbt characters everywhere

you are minority

>Fucking this. Morality is for faggots in the current yea
this sperg-tier autism is exctly what im talking about
only people like you seem to dislike this game


Op will begin his transition to full faggot soon. Someone will pound your open wound someday.

No, acting like a superior being for liking something "bad people" don't like is some sperg tier autism. Moreover, we're at the point in a culture war that morality for the sake of "decorum" is like adhering to colonial era formation marches against 21st century military tactics. In fact, acting moral and a source of righteousness while policing others is more abhorrent than being immoral. Deal with it.

biblically based
i'll be your friend

if on one side is being faggot and on the other is being you then being faggot is not that bad actually

>im not like you - not a souless piece of shit
And yet you're as big of a cunt as me, so not all is lost for you faggot


Your obsession with trannies is disturbing, user. Do you have something you want to share?


>And yet you're as big of a cunt as me
I prefer being a dick. you stay being a cunt

Cormac Mcarthys The Road if it was written by west coast liberal faggots

The gameplay is great though, guns feel good and making people beg for their lives before I blow their brains out gives me a hard on

It almost reminded me of manhunt

>making people beg for their lives before I blow their brains out gives me a hard on
>this sperg-tier autism is exctly what im talking about
>only people like you seem to dislike this game

Damn this game looks like shit.


/thread We're done here.

I didn't buy Dina's and Ellie's relationship at all.

Fuck you faggot, this is now a anime waifu thread!

Attached: 4c3ff06a8a728a39a38497ca4734b69e.png s tanly.png (630x810, 435.33K)

This. Shills are getting desperate everyone stopped giving a damn already.

>this sperg-tier autism is exctly what im talking about
>only people like you seem to dislike this game

you are subhuman and have no human right its legal to ruin you

Did it have the message of death and violence are the ultimate arbiters and nothing can supersede nor avoid them?

Good for you.

"It manipulated me into feeling emotions, therefore it's good, who cares if the thematic elements are nonsensical, the story construction is dogshit, and the setting is an ignored backdrop!"