Post great sequels

Post great sequels

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really? I think I enjoyed the first one. didnt even know they made a sequel

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>posting the racist box art
I don’t see Alberto Barbosa anywhere in that image

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Fait me

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What was so bad about AC1 anyway?


I mean it's another low budget, quickly made movie tie in like the first one, but I found it pretty charming. It's an improvement in every way aside from the combat which is reduced to quick time events. More variety in the minigames which don't repeat anywhere near as much as they did in the original, more variety in the environment as opposed to the original which was entirely in the same insane asylum. The story is pretty good, had the sorta twist ending you would expect from the movies.

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How did they drop the ball so badly after this?

I went in expecting a next gen Prince of Persia and the controls turned me off of the series forever.

To repetitive for most people. Though, I liked it; especially with the HUD off, it really immerses you into the assassin fantasy.

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I wouldn't say Portal 2 is a 'great' sequel given how much of Portal 1 was cut to make it more accessible (and I'm not just talking about the 'I wonder where to put the portal... bit from that one video') but it is a good game.

That's the problem: they didn't really drop it as much as they held unto it instead of passing it on so it just became awkward. They just remade it 2 more times with different jeans and colors.

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I've always felt contrarian for saying AC1 is my favourite. I did burn out at AC3 though when a trail mission was interrupted every 2 minutes by a cutscene.

Portal 1 - three minute unskippable cutscene, rest is pure gameplay
Portal 2 - five minute opening unskippable cutscene, constantly harasses you with two to five minute unskippable cutscenes throughout the entire game

This put me off Portal Stories: Mel. You have a Half Life inspired start, even opening on a train, which is fine but the insufferable narrator attempting to channel Wheatley made me stop after an hour or so.

No argument there. Aside of being the only one with genuinely good story and plot, AC1 wasn't as repetitive as people say, but rather (deliberately) too formulaic for the otherwise casual game that it presented itself as. They tried to fix in 2, but instead threw the baby with the water. The last game that tried remedy this was AC Unity, but it didn't risk committing to the "black box" or however-they-branded-it idea and suffered for it.
AC1 really went out of it's way to sell the "lone stranger that came to town on bitter business". That's why the game is 5 times better with no or little HUD.

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In all fairness it's been over a decade since I last played it, maybe I would hate it now. I'm amazed that the AC series has lasted as long as it has, making as many games as it has. People talk about COD being derivative but Ubisoft has published 23 games (including spin offs) in 13 years.

What put me off Portal Stories: Mel was the amount of puzzles where you needed to be the perfect spot to see the tiny shootable area to move forward in a chamber

It's a good thing there is more shit to do in portal 2 from base game puzzles to co op to workshop
The cutscenes besides the opening are negligible and don't harm the game

Definitely a shared flaw with Old Aperture at times, less a puzzle game and more an exploration game

>The cutscenes besides the opening are negligible and don't harm the game
Yes they do, zoomer.