Sega Sammy sells 85% of their arcade space


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nice, this will only force them to port more games too PC

Good joke

tik tok sega

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Great. Die and give Sonic and all the other IPs to Nintendo.

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Somebody post the images showing how much people pirate so I can laught at this guy

>Implying those aren't inflated numbers and Sega is just saying bullshit to save face
Meanwhile I've never seen a single PC gamer buy a game, ever.

these are just facilities and won't affect their games divisions

>vita shills still seething

I hope you die a slow and painful death you subhuman Nintendicklet

>Meanwhile I've never seen a single PC gamer buy a game, ever.
make friends

not defending him but name a single company who could fully exploit sega IPs better than nintendo would.

>20+ billion per year
Yeah man, no one buys games. No one drinks bleach either why don't you give it a shot, hear it kills the rona.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


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when was the last time they released a legitimately good 3D sonic game again?

>Not knowing that sega second biggest franchise is mostly pc exclusive.

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Good, arcades were always trash and only retarded boomer manchildren who keep screeching OLD GOOD NEW BAD thought they had any value.

>The 2019 revenue included $64.4 billion for mobile games, $29.6 billion for PC, and $15.4 billion for consoles.

The eternal cope of consolefags. You're barely half the PC market and 2020 is going to blow that ratio out of the fucking WATER as gaming PC sales are up almost 45% for the year while consolefaggits couldn't get their hands on silicone to keep the units available for SIX MoNtHs during the biggest electronics purchasing frenzy in history.

Sony M$ and Nintendo all dropped the ball and now you're going to be once again crushed beneath the superior platforms. Even a phone is going to have better game selections than your consoles by 2025. You lost.

yeah, it's baffling how people don't realize how Sega is secretly a PC power
Total War easily breaks 1 million in a week, while for Yakuza 1 million copies is a milestone reached for the first time (and only one known time) with Yakuza 6 (worldwide sales in all regions)

indisputably based

all their pc sales are minor compared to what sammy was affording them tho. it's like thinking konami's profit is only gaming when they have shit like spas

Phones are winning, fuck yeah.

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Time for Persona 5 on PC

>Football Manager
>Total War
They make more money than games mainland Sega develops in house.

>he thinks it's about just games

weird how you highlighted the "PC" games

Why did they have to sell anything if the PC sales were so good then?

why didn't they release more Yakuza games for Nintendo consoles after 1&2HD for Wii U?

Sure so everything can be ignored because they cant tack on a gimmick