Where does Nintendo go now after the Switch?

Where does Nintendo go now after the Switch?
What will the successor do?
They've already migrated their handheld and console market into a single console now and no doubt this "play it on TV or handheld" philosophy will stick. But what is next after that? They're not going back to a single handheld or a single console after the success of the Switch.

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They are going to follow the Apple model. Switch is brand to stay, so expect refined iterations of Switch forever. Eventually they will expand into other technology but they won't abandon their flagship in the same way Apple used the Iphone to move into Ipad and all their other shit.

>Switch is brand to stay
They already learned from their mistake with the Wii U to stop relying on console brand name.

Based on what?

They did that already with the WIi to Wii U and it was one of the big reasons that it failed as a console despite the Wii U doing so well.

I wonder if it going to pull a Vita. I remember hearing some of complaints about PS3 and Vita games sharing shit visuals to accommodate Vita's specs. In particularly: Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 (played both of them on Vita and PC, didn't see much difference, but I wrote it off as Falcom being Falcom) and Persona 5 (played it on PS4 slim, it was fine).
How's DQXIS on PC/PS4? I heard there is some graphics downgrade [resent.

the Switch U

Despite the Wii* doing so well my bad

There'll be a Switch 2 soon, more likely called "New Nintendo Switch" cause they love doing that shit. After that though, who can say.
You can rely on Sony and Microsoft to always release incrementally better consoles every cycle, but Nintendo enjoys their wildcard status.
I could see them trying to get into the VR market if they could find a way to make it affordable. They were the first ones to attempt it, they were just wayyyy too early lol

Super Switch™

>They're not going back to a single handheld or a single console after the success of the Switch.
lol fucking retard

who the fuck knows with nintendo

maybe we'll finally get the Nintendo 65

You're an idiot. Nintendo has never exhibited behavior such as you describe.
And Apple products are for nigger cucked bitchboys.

Why the fuck would they?
Phones already killed dedicated handheld consoles and home consoles are an all-time unpopular in Japan.

Nobody walks away from a good thing like Nintendo. Their next hardware could be anything but it definitely won't be Switch 2.

>Phones already killed dedicated handheld consoles

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Switch Advance

that's when the brand fails, dipshit. They didnt ditch Game Boy for years. Wii U tanked the Wii brand. Switch is selling well

They should just put their games on Xbox PlayStation and PC because their “hardware” is shit.

100% agree with you. The brainlets can't see how obvious it is. The days of Nintendo endlessly trying to innovate are over. The most they might do is release an alternative console only model which they will probably try to market as being more safe for kids.

And OJ never killed a bitch until he killed a bitch.

With the Switch we've seen Nintendo learn from their mistakes. Jesus fuck they put Ridley in Smash and are opening a theme park.

Even if they ditch the branding they are going to stay with the console/handheld hybrid. When Iphone showed the way Blackberry decided to be faggots and that's why they died but Android worked. This is the industry now. Evolve or die.

>their next hardware could be anything but it definitely won't be Switch 2
What else could they possibly do other than improve upon the Switch? Make a dedicated VR system? Nah, the Switch is one of the most beloved systems of all time, and doesn't rely on a gimmick like the wii; they're not going to change things up anytime soon.

Well I hope you're right, but I don't see it. They will always try to innovate, even when it's not in their best interests.

They don't even have to do dedicated VR. They've already designed a VR headset that the Switch plugs into. In the future, with a more powerful model this will be a bigger selling feature.

Alls they have to do is name the next switch "Switch 2" and the Wii -> Wii U problem would be side stepped entirely.
They wont do that though because nintendo has maybe the stupidest product naming format I've ever seen.

>and doesn't rely on a gimmick like the wii
It has a gimmick though, its literally in the title.

I don't doubt that they won't still try to innovate, but Switch it still going to be their main thing. They are going to adopt an umbrella strategy, where each piece of hardware under it gets revised. Switch has basically brought us to a singularity. And why not? We're living in a time of screen abundance, there's a device for everything, even dildos connect to Wifi.

Japs can't into naming conventions

>with a more powerful model this will be a bigger selling feature
That's the thing. The Switch doesn't rely on a gimmick. It has motion controls (kind of) like the Wii, gyro, hd rumble, detachable controls, touch screen, handheld/console hybrid, but isn't defined by any of those. What even is there to add other than a VR option, dual screens, or 3D (lol)?

I think people are idiots if they believe that the Wii U didn't sell because of the name in the first place. The Wii is more like a hula hoop than a video game console. It's was a short craze, and the same idea could probably be used all over again in another ten years, but for now it's a dead end.

>Super Nintendo
The Nintendo Entertainment System, except supercharged

>Gameboy Advance
An advanced version of the gameboy

>Nintendo 3DS
The third iteration of the DS.

>Wii U

They'll make a nipple you have to suck on to play the game and it will tickle your taste buds with flavors and scents that will fire up into your nasal cavity.

I sort of figured they'd make a proper tv only console that's not pitifully weak for "serious" games, and keep the switch around as the handheld/3DS replacement for a long long time.

>"play it on TV or handheld" philosophy will stick

the newer switch model throws that out the window.

The Super Switch light will throw it back into the window with full TV functionality without a dock.

Augmented Reality is the next big thing. Think Pokemon Go but with even better AR. I would expect LIDAR or at least a laser sensor for better real-world mapping.

It will be marketed as a Portal or Window or Warp Pipe into FunLand.

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They'll call it the Switch U.

>no doubt this "play it on TV or handheld" philosophy will stick.
Fuck, I hope not. Switch is a system I'm glad to own, but it's a terrible console (bad performance, badly sized UIs because they're supposed to be navigable in handheld mode, bad default controllers) and an even worse handheld (terrible battery life, doesn't fit in pocket, bad performance, missized UIs because they were designed for console mode). No more of this shit, please. Do one thing at a time, well.

When Nintendo does a Switch 2 they should have a stylus addon and make some art games. Think about it, Nintendo has had a small focus on creativity since the Wii U, they already have the tablet, they're into gimmicks, and it would be a good excuse to make a new WarioWare, maybe DIY 2. As long as they made things like the Smash Ultimate stage builder or Mario Maker, and less something like Drawn to Life, I think it'd work out for them

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